0.0.4 • Published 8 years ago
active-array v0.0.4
An array which fires a callback when either a count of items is reached, or an interval fires and a minimum count is present.
let x = new ActiveArray(callback, countThreshold, timeCountThreshold, intervalMilliseconds);
const ActiveArray = require('active-array');
let x = {};
let max = 5;
for (var i=0; i< max; i++) {
let id = i;
x[i] = new ActiveArray(function (list, why) { console.log(`fire ${why} ${id} ${list.length}`); }, 400, 100, 6000);
// periodically push messages into the buffers
setInterval(function () {
let id = Math.floor(Math.random()*max);
x[id].push("m"); // consume message from sqs and store here:
}, 1);