1.5.0 • Published 2 years ago
active-git v1.5.0
Active Git
Keep a folder on your machine with only your most relevant git repositories.
Table of Contents
- Currently, there is only support for repositoris from GitHub
- Include repos based on:
- Open issues
- Number of watchers
- Number of stars
- Whether or not the repo is a fork
npm install -g active-git
Run it with just your github username
mkdir your-directory && cd your-directory
and then...
active-git <github username>
Your repos will be cloned to your folder along with a config.yml defining the default configs.
Use A Config File
To change which repos are included by active-git just modify the defaults in the config.yml. You can generate it with this command:
active-git init
It should look something like this:
# github username
username: <username>
# ssh clones
ssh: true
# minimum number of stars a repo needs to be included
minStars: 1
# minimum number of watchers a repo needs to be included
minWatchers: 1
# topics a repo needs to be included
- <topic>
# whether or not to allow forked repos to be cloned
forks: false
# which repos do you want to exclude from updates
- <repo name>
After saving changes to the config, run
Run As A Service (Mac only...for now)
active-git init-service
Uninstall the service
active-git remove-service
Please submit an issue Here if you find a bug or would like to request a feature. Otherwise, fork the repo and send in pull requests if you would like to contribute.
Please email me at benjamin@famousstick.com if you have any questions about this package.