0.1.0 • Published 12 years ago
acts-as v0.1.0
a simple class-level mixin module for Node.JS, which provides a handy "composition over inheritance" for writting complex programs
How To Use
require "acts_as"
class A
this.toString = ->
# after mixed in, use this method to detect who behaves like who (duck typing)
this.isA = (obj) ->
return if obj? then Boolean(obj["__is#{@}"]) else false
a: ->
console.log "[A.a] called"
class B
b: ->
console.log "[B.b] called"
class C
@acts_as A,B
c: ->
console.log "[C.c] called"
i = new C
console.dir i
console.log "i.a():#{i.a()}"
console.log "i.b():#{i.b()}"
console.log "i.c():#{i.c()}"
console.log "i behave like A? : #{A.isA(i)}"
This little module is inspired by:
discussion on coffee-script mixin: https://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script/issues/452#issuecomment-3699651
acts_as in the Ruby's way: http://yehudakatz.com/2009/11/12/better-ruby-idioms/
12 years ago