2.2.33-dev • Published 12 months ago

adaptivecards-reactnative-viva-connections v2.2.33-dev

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Last release
12 months ago



  • Add package
npm install adaptivecards-reactnative  
  • Import the root component
import AdaptiveCard from 'adaptivecards-reactnative'
  • Render the component with required props
<AdaptiveCard payload={} 
                    height: 100, 
                    flexGrow: 1, 
                    justifyContent: 'space-between'
payload{object}JSON payload adhering to the schemaYES
hostConfig{object}JSON Host config to override based on schemaNO
themeConfig{object}JSON Theme Config to customize stylesNO
onExecuteAction{Event Handler}Method to be executed on card actionsNO
onParseError{Event Handler}Method to be executed on JSON parse errorsNO
containerStyle{object}Style used to override the adaptive card container styleNO
contentContainerStyle{object}Style used to override the adaptive card content container styleNO
contentHeight{number}Value used to override the adaptive card heightNO
cardScrollEnabled{bool}Value used to enable the adaptive card ScrollNO
refReact.createRef()Reference variable used to invoke the methods exposed by AdaptiveCards.(Example: In order to fetch the image & media URLs across the payload, one can use like this this.refs.referenceVariable.getResourceInformation()NO


In order to override the rendering of built-in components OR to add/remove an element type, one can simply make use of the functions exposed by Element Registry.


  • To override built-in TextBlock element,
  • To add support for new element type say Rating, add the component in the registry as below :
  • To remove the support of an element type (i.e To ignore the rendering of specific element type),


The adaptivecards-templating library is used for DataBinding.


Breaking Change

adaptivecards-reactnative v2.2+ uses adaptivecards-templating v1.0.0-rc.0* which migrated from older data binding syntax to Adaptive Expression Language.

So data-binding for older templates will not work in adaptivecards-reactnative v2.2+


import AdaptiveCard from '../adaptive-card';
import * as ACData from 'adaptivecards-templating';

// Sample template payload
var templatePayload = {
    "$schema": "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json",
    "version": "2.0",
    "type": "AdaptiveCard",
    "body": [
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "text": "Hi {employee.name}! Here's a bit about your organisation"
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "text": "Your manager is: {employee.manager.name}"
            "type": "TextBlock",
            "text": "2 of your peers are: {employee.peers[0].name}, {employee.peers[1].name}"
// Create a Template instance from the template payload
var template = new ACData.Template(templatePayload);

// Create a data binding context, and set its $root property to the
// data object to bind the template to
var context = {
    "$root": {
        "employee": {
            "name": "David Claux",
            "manager": {
                "name": "Matt Hidinger"
            "peers": [
                    "name": "Andrew Leader"
                    "name": "Shalini Joshi"

// "Expand" the template - this generates the final payload for the Adaptive Card,
templatePayload = template.expand(context);

//Render the adaptive card with templatePayload
<AdaptiveCard payload={templatePayload}/>

Theme Config

  • For customizing UI styles of elements, Host App can pass styles (plain JSON object) as an optional prop to root element <AdaptiveCards/>.
  • Currently below elements are supported in the theme config.

    • input
    • button
    • choice Set
    • date picker
    • time picker
  • Host app can provide platform specific styles as seen in the below example. For same styles across platforms, pass the styles without platform.

In this example, styles passed for element input are applied to all the platforms whereas for button platform-specific styles are applied.

    customThemeConfig = {
        input: {
            borderColor: "#000000",
            backgroundColor: "#F5F5F5",
            borderRadius: 4,
            borderWidth: 1,
        button: {
            "ios": {
                color: 'white',
                backgroundColor: "#1D9BF6",
            "android": {
                color: 'white',
                backgroundColor: "#1D9BF6",
            "windows": {
                color: 'white',
                backgroundColor: "#1D9BF6",
<AdaptiveCards themeConfig={customThemeConfig} payload={payload} />

Refer this wiki page to view the complete list of customizable theme config properties.

Examples / Visualizer

There are lot of sample JSON payloads covering all element types with few real case scenarios are available within this project.

To see the visualizer,

  • Clone the repo https://github.com/microsoft/AdaptiveCards
  • Navigate to source/community/reactnative/ > Run npm install
  • iOS > react-native run-ios
  • Android > react-native run-android
  • Windows > react-native start and Launch Simulator from Visual Studio

Notes: Follow https://github.com/Microsoft/react-native-windows/blob/main/RNWCS/docs/GettingStarted.md for react-native-windows setup

About Adaptive Card

  • Collection of elements and actions
  • Element is the basic building block of card
  • Element can be a standalone component OR can be a container that in turn holds collection of other element types
  • Main responsibilities of an element are,
    • Parsing
    • Rendering
  • HostConfig takes care of applying default styles. Custom styles (if any) can also be passed via HostConfig instance
  • Actions area contains one or more action buttons

Project Structure

This project is for React-Native implementation of Adaptive cards based on https://github.com/Microsoft/AdaptiveCards. A Quick overview of the folder structure.

  • Components
  • Utils
  • Styles
src/componentsThis directory contains all the components along with its registry functionalities. This includes standalone components, container types and actions.
src/components/actionsThis directory holds the collection of action elements.
src/components/containersThis directory holds the container elements that holds collection of elements and its layout.
src/components/elementsThis directory holds all the static individual elements
src/components/inputs/This directory holds all the interactable input elements
src/utilsThis directory takes care of keeping the Configuration out of the Code. This will hold anything that is used in multiple places throughout our app in one place.
src/stylesThis directory holds the global styles that will be used and applied across the components and app.The purpose is that we will reuse a lot of the same styling(like Container, Themes,etc....).