1.1.12 • Published 2 months ago

adv-waiter v1.1.12

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2 months ago

AdvWaiter: Advanced wait functions library/module

  1. Overview
  2. How to use AdvWaiter
  3. API References

1. Overview

AdvWaiter is a JavaScript library/module that provides a couple of wait functions to simplify the source code and make it more readable.

JavaScript MIT License

2. How to use AdvWaiter

  • Direct script loading (CDN)

  1. Downloading library file
    When you use AdvWaiter as a library, please download adv-waiter.js.
  2. Specifying library file path
    You can specify the library file path to the library within the script tag.

    <script type="text/javascript" src="./adv-waiter.js">
  3. Calling function
    Invoke the function by appending the function name after the class name AdvWaiter.

    // Waits until the seconds of the current time reach 0.
    await AdvWaiter.wait({
        until: () => new Date().getSeconds() === 0,
        callback: () => console.log('Time is up!')
  • Module importing (ES6)

  1. Downloading module file
    If you want to use AdvWaiter as a module, just download adv-waiter.mjs.

  2. Specifying module file path
    You can use the import statement to specify the module file.

    import AdvWaiter from './adv-waiter.mjs';
    import { wait } from './adv-waiter.mjs';
  3. Calling function
    Invoke the function.

    // Waits until the seconds of the current time becomes 10, 20, 40 or 50.
    await wait({
        while: () => new Date().getSeconds(),
        existsIn: [ 10, 20, 40, 50 ]

3. API References

  • wait(intervalOrOpts, options)

    Waits for the specified time or options.


    If NO arguments are specified, it waits for 100 milliseconds as a default 'wait time'.

    // Waits for 100ms.
    await wait();

    If ONLY first argument intervalOrOpts is specified as a numeric value, it waits for the time specified in intervalOrOpts.
    If a FALSY value is specified, the default value of 100 is set as the 'wait time'.

    // Waits for 1 second.
    await wait(1000);
    // Waits for 100ms.
    await wait(0);
    await wait('');
    await wait(null);
    await wait(false);
    await wait(undefined);

    If ONLY first argument intervalOrOpts is specified as a JSON, the first argument is treated as options, and the default value of 100 is set as the 'wait time'.

    // The first argument is treated as options.
    await wait({ until: () => ... });
    // The above code is equivalent to the following codes.
    await wait(100, { until: () => ... });
    await wait(0, { until: () => ... });
    await wait('', { until: () => ... });
    await wait(null, { until: () => ... });
    await wait(false, { until: () => ... });
    await wait(undefined, { until: () => ... });


    (1) callback

    If options.callback is specified, it executes options.callback function after waiting.

    // [Example 1.1]
    // Waits for 5 seconds, then outputs a message to the console.
    await wait(5000, {
      callback: () => console.log('5 seconds have passed.')
    • (2) while-waiting

      	#### ① In case of only 'while' being specfied  
      	<img src="https://github.com/shinnagamine/adv-waiter/blob/main/images/while-waiting_1.png" width="600">
      	If `options.while` is specified and `options.existsIn` is **NOT** specified,
      	it waits **WHILE** `options.while` function returns truthy value.  
      	// [Example 2.1.1]
      	// Waits while the seconds of the current time is less than 30.
      	await wait({
      	  while: () => new Date().getSeconds() < 30
      	// [Example 2.1.2]
      	// Waits while the textbox is blank.
      	await wait({
      	  while: () => document.querySelector('input[type="text"]').value === ''
      	// [Example 2.1.3]
      	// Waits while the element exists.
      	// * i.e., while document.querySelector() returns truthy value.
      	await wait({
      	  while: () => document.querySelector('#will_be_removed')
      	#### ② In case of both 'while' and 'existsIn' being specfied  
      	<img src="https://github.com/shinnagamine/adv-waiter/blob/main/images/while-waiting_2.png" width="600">
      	If both `options.while` and `options.existsIn` are specified:  
      	The function returns the result of `options.while` function.  
      	- If the type of `options.existsIn` is Array:  
      	  It waits **WHILE** the result of `options.while` function matches an element
      	  in `options.existsIn` array.  
      	- If the type of `options.existsIn` is other than Array and the value is **TRUTHY**:  
      	  It waits **WHILE** the result of `options.while` function is equivalent
      	  to the value of `options.existsIn`.  
      	- If the type of `options.existsIn` is other than Array and the value is **FALSY**:  
      	  The `options.existsIn` is **IGNORED**.  
      	  If you want to use a falsy value for the wait condition,
      	  it must be specified as an element within the array.
      	// [Example 2.2.1]
      	// Waits while the seconds of the current time is 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4,
      	// then returns the seconds of the reached time (other than 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4).
      	const secondsAfterWait = await wait({
      	  while: () => new Date().getSeconds(),
      	  existsIn: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
      	> [!NOTE]  
      	> The above code is equivalent to the following code:
      	const secondsAfterWait = await wait({
      	  while: () => new Date().getSeconds() <= 4
      	// [Example 2.2.2]
      	// Waits while the value of select box is 'April', 'May' or 'June',
      	// then returns the value when it becomes another month.
      	return await wait({
      	  while: () => document.querySelector('select').value,
      	  existsIn: [ 'April', 'May', 'June' ]
      	> [!NOTE]  
      	> Without using ***AdvWaiter***, the code for the above process would be the complex code shown below:  
      	let selectedMonth;
      	while ([ 'April', 'May', 'June' ].includes(selectedMonth = document.querySelector('select').value)) {
      	  await new Promise(resolve => {
      	    setTimeout(() => {
      	    }, 100);
      	return selectedMonth;

    (3) until-waiting

    ① In case of only 'until' being specfied

    If options.until is specified and options.existsIn is NOT specified, it waits UNTIL options.until function returns truthy value.

    // [Example 3.1.1]
    // Waits until the seconds of the current time reach 0.
    await wait({
      until: () => new Date().getSeconds() === 0
    // [Example 3.1.2]
    // Waits until the checkbox is checked.
    await wait({
      until: () => document.querySelector('input[type="checkbox"]').checked
    // [Example 3.1.3]
    // Waits until the element is created.
    // * i.e., until document.querySelector() returns truthy value.
    await wait({
      until: () => document.querySelector('#will_be_created')

    ② In case of both 'until' and 'existsIn' being specfied

    If both options.until and options.existsIn are specified:
    The function returns the result of options.until function.

    • If the type of options.existsIn is Array:
      It waits UNTIL the result of options.until function matches an element in options.existsIn array.

    • If the type of options.existsIn is other than Array and the value is TRUTHY:
      It waits UNTIL the result of options.until function is equivalent to the value of options.existsIn.

    • If the type of options.existsIn is other than Array and the value is FALSY:
      The options.existsIn is IGNORED.
      If you want to use a falsy value for the wait condition, it must be specified as an element within the array.

    // [Example 3.2.1]
    // Waits until the seconds of the current time reach 0, 15, 30 or 45,
    // then returns the seconds of the reached time (0, 15, 30 or 45).
    const secondsAfterWait = await wait({
      until: () => new Date().getSeconds(),
      existsIn: [ 0, 15, 30, 45 ]
    > [!NOTE]  
    > The above code is equivalent to the following codes:
    const secondsAfterWait = await wait({
      until: () => (new Date().getSeconds()) % 15,
      existsIn: 0
    const secondsAfterWait = await wait({
      until: () => (new Date().getSeconds()) % 15 === 0
    // [Example 3.2.2]
    // Waits until the 'Sunday' or 'Saturday' radio button is selected,
    // then returns the selected value when either is selected.
    return await wait({
      until: () => document.querySelectorAll('input[type="radio"]:checked').value,
      existsIn: [ 'Sunday', 'Saturday' ]

    Without using AdvWaiter, the code for the above process would be the complex code shown below:

    const getCheckedRadio = () => document.querySelector('input[type="radio"]:checked');
    while (!(getCheckedRadio() && [ 'Sunday', 'Saturday' ].includes(getCheckedRadio().value)) {
      await new Promise(resolve => {
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 100);
    return getCheckedRadio().value;

    (4) timeout

    If options.timeout is specified, the waiting process will terminate after specified time.
    If options.onTimeout is specified, the specified function will be executed when a timeout occurs.

    // [Example 4]
    // Waiting process will terminate after 3 seconds, then outputs a message to the console.
    await wait({
      while: () => true,
      timeout: 3000,
      onTimeout: () => console.log('Waiting process terminated...')

    (5) onWaiting

    If options.onWaiting is specified, the specified function will be executed at specified intervals while waiting.
    This option may be used primarily for debugging purposes.

    // [Example 5]
    // Outputs the current time to the console while waiting.
    await wait({
      while: () => true,
      onWaiting: () => console.log(new Date())


AdvWaiter is licensed under MIT.


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