0.0.3 • Published 8 years ago

aframe-inventory3d v0.0.3

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Last release
8 years ago


This project is to give all people an inventory of scripted 3D objects they can safely bring into their worlds from anywhere that is CORS accessable.



npm install aframe-inventory3d

#What is an Inventory3D object? An inventory3D object is a scripted 3D object you can safely add to your aframe scene. The object is inserted into your scene by a simple reference to create the 3d entity:

 <a-entity inventory-3d="https://www.inventory3d.com/cat.json"/>

By simply adding this file, you bring a 3d object into your scene, with complex materials, and scripted behavior which can modify the inventory 3D object in a safe manner.

#Example: StopLight

We will create a simple object definition for a stop light. This file will include an information file (stoplight.json) and a collada model file (stoplight.dae). By defining various materials in our collada 3D object these materials can be referenced by our information file for various effects.

  "scenes": [
            "materials": [

These can all be created by hand, but it is easier to see what is possible by trying out the editor at http://www.inventory3d.com


To script for inventory3D objects you will be writing a javascript file that represents your code that will be run every frame. Note: your script will have to be efficient enough to avoid being turned off for taking too long. Other circumstances such as too many requests, memory exceptions, etc. may also deactivate your script, so program mindfully.

Additionally, you will have a state available for your script to use, and a number of helper methods for managing that state or making requests to modify your inventory3D object (changing materials, resizing, moving, etc.)

Let's continue with our stop light example and add a script that will make it change lights. A script's sole duty is to takes in a state, and return a state. In order for your script to request changes to an inventory3d object, a reques must be placed on state.requests array. There's various helper functions to do this. In addition there are helper variables for time.

Let's first modify our stoplight information json file to reference the script:

     "script": "stoplight.js"

Now let's write the script itself

function changeStopLightColor(c){

//if we have no state, we must be starting up
    state = {

//accumulate time to use as a timer

//every 1 seconds cycle through colors
if(state.accumulativeTime>1000) {
    state.accumulativeTime %= 1000;
    } else if(state.currentColor=="red"){
    } else if(state.currentColor=="yellow"){

#How does scripting work? Scripts of inventory3D objects execute once per frame in a javascript virtual machine in your browser. They are isolated from the outside world except through a few means. A single state object that is passed into and out. And various helper variables and functions for modifying the inventory3d object's state.

If the script takes too long to execute, or generates an exception of any kind, it is removed from the virtual machine and prevented from execution. Additionally, there may be other restrictions on requests which may harm experience due to rapid calling or really should require the users permission.

#Global Variables & Functions

  • state - a javascript object for persisting state and communicating to outside world.
  • deltaTime - the number of milliseconds since this script was last run
  • vrChangeMaterialColor(objectId,materialId,color) - change the color of a material on an object

8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago