0.12.0 • Published 5 years ago

aframe-potree-loader-component v0.12.0

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5 years ago


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Loads point clouds using Potree

For A-Frame.



PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
srcUrl to the PointCloud files. Expects a cloud.json''
pointSizeSemantic size of a single point. The lower the more space is between the points, higher values result in low resolution objects. Has no performance impact.1
minimumNodePixelSizePixel size of a point within a node. The lower the more points will be shown per octree node. Has performance impact.150
pointSizeTypeHow to point adapts to the camera frustum. Either fixed, adaptive oradaptive
pointShapeThe shape of a single point. Either square, circle orsqaure
pointColorTypeType of color of a single point in respect of the pointcloud. See for all possible values.'rgb'

The initial position and rotation is specific for each point cloud and has to be set accordingly.

Scene Properties

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
pointBudgetPoint Budget in millions of all pointclouds in your scene1


model-loadedThe point cloud had been loaded into the scene
model-errorThe point cloud could not be loaded loading

Notes on fidelity

Potree automatically adapts the point budget according to the underlying hardware, that said mobile devices are not so well suited for detailed point cloud representations.



Install and use by directly including the browser files:

  <title>My A-Frame Scene</title>
  <script src="https://aframe.io/releases/0.8.0/aframe.min.js"></script>
  <script src="https://unpkg.com/aframe-potree-loader-component/dist/aframe-potree-loader-component.min.js"></script>

  <a-scene potree-loader="pointBudget: 1;">
      <a-entity potree-loader="
        src: https://cdn.rawgit.com/potree/potree/develop/pointclouds/lion_takanawa;

        pointSize: 1;
        pointColorType: rgb;
        minimumNodePixelSize: 100;
        position="-1 -1 -5"
        rotation="-85 0 0"


Install via npm:

npm install aframe-potree-loader-component

Then require and use.


Implementation notes

This is basically just a wrapper around PIX4D's three-potree-loader package. They did all the hard work (and saved myself lots of time) of extracting the core loading and rendering functionality of the Potree point cloud viewer. That's the spirit of open-source. We all build up on each other and adapt to certain needs, in that case point clouds within WebVR.