1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

aframe-quick-ui v1.0.0

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Last release
3 years ago

Package for A-Frame, to easily/quickly make UIs, with the primary use case of on-controller menus in mind. Some of the code comes from A-Painter, in which context and codebase I originally wrote this code. There may still be cruft left over, sorry. It also may be somewhat hacky or non-idiomatic in places; sorry again. See AFrame-Quick-UI-Test for an example of how to use it. See also examples/quick-ui.js for examples of how to use different kinds of UI. See src/components/quick-ui.js (the core of the UI code) for the different layouts etc. available. (There's a list at the bottom.) Finally, if the previous are insufficient, here's a run down of how you might make a project that uses this package:

npm init
// Not sure which of these three are really necessary, if any
npm install webpack-dev-server
npm install webpack-cli
npm install webpack
npm install aframe-quick-ui

In package.json, have scripts be:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "webpack serve"

Create ./src/index.js :


Create ./index.html :

        <script src="main.js"></script>
            <a-entity id="cameraRig">
                <a-entity id="acamera" camera wasd-controls look-controls orbit-controls></a-entity>
                <a-entity id="left-hand"
                    ui-controller="hand: left"
                        QuickUI.loadUi(({UI}) =>
                            UI.UiButton({text:"A", oncontrollerdown:()=>{console.log("log")}})
                <a-entity id="right-hand"
                    ui-controller="hand: right"
npm start

Open localhost:8080 in a browser.

License: MIT
