12.1.1 • Published 10 months ago
aft-ui-webdriverio v12.1.1
Automated Functional Testing (AFT) package providing WebdriverIO-based WebdriverIoComponent extends UiComponent
class for use with POM-based UI testing strategies as well as UiSessionGeneratorPlugin
implementations for connecting to WebdriverIO's Browser instance.
> npm i aft-ui-webdriverio
Creating your own Components for use in testing
Take the following as an example of how one could interact with the following Android App
Step 1: create the View Component
// wikipedia-view.ts
export class WikipediaView extends WebdriverIoComponent {
override get locator(): string {
return '//*';
private get _searchButton() { return this.getRoot().then(r => r.$("~Search Wikipedia")); }
private get _searchInput() { return this.driver.$('android=new UiSelector().resourceId("org.wikipedia.alpha:id/search_src_text")'); }
private get _searchResults() { return this.getRoot().then(r => r.$$("android.widget.TextView")); }
async searchFor(term: string): Promise<string[]> {
await this.reporter.info("tapping on 'SearchButton'...");
await this._searchButton.then(b => b.click());
await this.sendTextToSearch(term);
return await this.getResults();
async sendTextToSearch(text: string): Promise<void> {
await this.reporter.info(`setting 'SearchInput' to '${text}'...`);
await this._searchInput.then(i => i.addValue(text));
async getResults(): Promise<string[]> {
await this.reporter.info("getting text from 'SearchResults' to return as 'string[]'");
const resultsText = new Array<string>();
const searchResults = await this._searchResults;
for (var i=0; i<searchResults.length; i++) {
let res = searchResults[i];
let txt: string = await res.getText().catch(err => null);
if (txt) { resultsText.push(txt); }
await this.reporter.info(`found results of: [${resultsText.join(', ')}]`);
return resultsText;
Step 2: use them to interact with the mobile application
// wikipedia-app.spec.ts mocha test using AftMochaReporter
describe('WebdriverIoSession', () => {
it('[C1234] can access mobile apps using AFT and UiComponents with AftMochaTest', async function() {
await aftMochaTest(this, async (v: AftMochaTest) => {
const lowercaseResults = new Array<string>();
await using(new WebdriverIoSession({reporter: v.reporter}), async (session) => {
await session.reporter.step('get the WikipediaView Facet from the Session...');
const view: WikipediaView = await session.getComponent(WikipediaView);
await session.reporter.step('enter a search term...');
await view.searchFor('pizza');
await session.reporter.step('get the results and ensure they contain the search term...');
const results: string[] = await view.getResults();
await v.verify(lowercaseResults, containing('pizza')); // if no results contained the word 'pizza' test fails
it('[C2345] can access mobile apps using AFT and UiComponents with AftMochaReporter', async function() {
const aft = new AftMochaTest(this);
if (!(await aft.shouldRun())) {
await aft.pending();
} else {
await using(new WebdriverIoSession({reporter: aft.reporter}), async (session) => {
await session.reporter.step('get the WikipediaView Facet from the Session...');
const view: WikipediaView = await session.getComponent(WikipediaView);
await session.reporter.step('enter a search term...');
await view.searchFor('pizza');
await session.reporter.step('get the results and ensure they contain the search term...');
const results: string[] = await view.getResults();
expect(results.some(item => item.includes('pizza'))).to.eql(true);
aftconfig.json keys and values supported by aft-ui-webdriverio package
this package does not support any additional configuration. see aft-ui for values relevant in the UiSessionConfig