4.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

ag-gulp-4 v4.0.0

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9 years ago


The streaming build system

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For a Getting started guide, API docs, recipes, making a plugin, etc. see the documentation page!

Sample gulpfile.js

This file is just a quick sample to give you a taste of what gulp does.

var gulp = require('gulp');
var coffee = require('gulp-coffee');
var concat = require('gulp-concat');
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify');
var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin');
var sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps');
var del = require('del');

var paths = {
  scripts: ['client/js/**/*.coffee', '!client/external/**/*.coffee'],
  images: 'client/img/**/*'

/* Register some tasks to expose to the cli */
gulp.task('build', gulp.series(
  gulp.parallel(scripts, images)

// The default task (called when you run `gulp` from cli)
gulp.task('default', gulp.series('build'));

/* Define our tasks using plain functions */

// Not all tasks need to use streams
// A gulpfile is just another node program and you can use all packages available on npm
function clean(done) {
  // You can use multiple globbing patterns as you would with `gulp.src`
  del(['build'], done);

// Copy all static images
function images() {
  return gulp.src(paths.images)
    // Pass in options to the task
    .pipe(imagemin({optimizationLevel: 5}))

// Minify and copy all JavaScript (except vendor scripts)
// with sourcemaps all the way down
function scripts() {
  return gulp.src(paths.scripts)

// Rerun the task when a file changes
function watch() {
  gulp.watch(paths.scripts, scripts);
  gulp.watch(paths.images, images);

Incremental Builds

You can filter out unchanged files between runs of a task using the gulp.src function's since option and gulp.lastRun:

function images() {
  return gulp.src(paths.images, {since: gulp.lastRun('images')})
    .pipe(imagemin({optimizationLevel: 5}))

function watch() {
  gulp.watch(paths.images, images);

Task run times are saved in memory and are lost when gulp exits. It will only save time during the watch task when running the images task for a second time.

If you want to compare modification time between files instead, we recommend these plugins:

gulp-newer example:

function images() {
  var dest = 'build/img';
  return gulp.src(paths.images)
    .pipe(newer(dest))  // pass through newer images only
    .pipe(imagemin({optimizationLevel: 5}))

If you can't simply filter out unchanged files, but need them in a later phase of the stream, we recommend these plugins:

gulp-remember example:

function scripts() {
  return gulp.src(scriptsGlob)
    .pipe(cache('scripts'))    // only pass through changed files
    .pipe(header('(function () {')) // do special things to the changed files...
    .pipe(footer('})();'))     // for example,
                               // add a simple module wrap to each file
    .pipe(remember('scripts')) // add back all files to the stream
    .pipe(concat('app.js'))    // do things that require all files

Want to contribute?

Anyone can help make this project better - check out the Contributing guide!

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9 years ago


9 years ago


9 years ago