2.0.6 • Published 1 year ago

agitcms v2.0.6

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Last release
1 year ago

image /eɪdʒɪt/

Agit CMS is a simple web frontend interface for markdown-based static site generators, like Hugo and Jekyll.
Write markdown blog posts the hackable way, get rid of your itch points.



npm install -g agitcms

To start: agitcms
To change port: AGIT_FRONTEND=3001 agitcms


  • vertical split style markdown editor
  • type-aware frontmatter editor
  • custom editor snippet/toolbar/keymap
  • custom frontmatter language(yaml/toml) & delimiters
  • Integrated Terminal
  • mathjax rendering: $ a + b = c$
  • image pasting into the editor

Agit CMS tries to be a hackable headless CMS for developers.

Comparison with other CMS

Agit CMSNetlify CMS
Where CMS runsRuns on your computerRuns on website's /admin (which is a security issue)
Installationeasy(npm i)hard
image pastingOX
mathjax renderingO△(requires additional setup)
Integrated TerminalOX

Quick Start

Adding a new site

Open Agit CMS and click NEW button.

Type your site’s name, and root folder path of the static site. These two configurations cannot be changed afterwards unless you modify ~/.agitcms/config.json directly.

Once you add a new site, click on it, then Agit CMS provides a file explorer where you can navigate through folders and files thas have .md extension.

Click PIN button at the very top to pin a folder or a file to left sidebar for easy access.

Integrated Terminal

Press Control + @ to open up a integrated terminal.

Try starting a server of your static sites generator.

In hugo: hugo server
In jekyll: jekyll server


Now your preview server is running on your host!
Try modifying a post as you wish, with a nice markdown&frontmatter editor!


Markdown Editor

default keymaps

Visit here and here for keymaps available by default.

custom keymaps

Want to add your own keymaps?
Try creating your own plugin!



a + b = c

to represent block math.

$$ a + b = c $$


$ a + b = c $


a + b = c

to represent inline math.

image pasting

Agit CMS allows Ctrl + v to paste images into the editor.

This feature is useful when you want to paste a screen capture without looking for its file name.

Set media folder path and media public path to enable this feature.

A couple of things to note

  • Images larger than 1MB cannot be pasted.
  • At this version, all images pasted into the editor are saved in year-month-date-time.png format


![](${media_public_path}/example.png) written in the markdown editor panel (left side) gets parsed into <img src="http://localhost:${random_port}/${media_public_path}/example.png"> in the preview panel at the right side . (${media_public_path} is a media public path)

Agit CMS starts local http server on ${random_port} at media folder path in the filesystem to serve media contents.
HTTP server automatically closes when Agit CMS is closed.

There are a couple of things to note

  • On Windows, you might have to tell windows to allow Agit CMS to start HTTP server when a warning is shown.
  • Image placed in the same folder as the markdown post file is in cannot be previewed at this version.

To quickly get the image path you want to insert into the editor, Agit CMS has a file explorer shortcut button Media for it.
It opens media folder path, and the selected image's public path will be copied into your clipboard.
This way, you can easily type ![](${ctrl + v}) (where ${ctrl + v} means pressing ctrl + v) to insert the image.


The markdown editor of Agit CMS (Codemirror) can be customized by creating your own plugins.

Agit CMS evaluate javascript files in ~/.agitcms/plugins as plugins when boot, so you can place your own javascript file here to create a plugin. Name of the file does not matter.

Creating your own plugin requires a bit of knowledge of codemirror. If you don't know any, Examples is helpful.

There are two types of plugins.

  • Toolbar Item: manually invoked
  • TransactionFilter: automatically invoked

Toolbar Item

To create Toolbar Item plugin, create a new instance of ToolbarItem class and provide a valid config as a first argument.

If you don't want your plugin to show up in the toolbar, set config.initialChar to empty. That way you can only call the plugin via config.keyAlias

See table plugin for an exmaple.

Transaction Filter

Every time editor updates its document, this type of plugins, i.e., Transaction Filter plugin is called. Unlike ToolbarItem plugin, Transaction Filter does not modify,

To create Transaction Filter plugin, create a new instance of Transaction Filter class and provide a valid config as a first argument.


table plugin

A plugin that inserts markdown table syntax when clicked on the toolbar, or when ctrl + shift + t is pressed.

//put this in ~/.agitcms/plugins
new ToolbarItem({
  initialChar: "T",
  keyAlias: "Ctrl-T",
  run: (editorView) => {
    const from =
    const insert = "|  |  |\n|---|---|\n";

      changes: { from, insert },
      selection: { anchor: from + 2 }, //puts cursor to from+2
shortcode snippet plugin

This is a plugin that works as a snippet. If you are using Hugo for example, you might want to add shortcode snippets.

The plugin below inserts {{</*alert `\n\n` [info] */>}} to editor and sets cursor at position between two \n.
Also note that this plugin is activated for sites that has name "0xsuk's blog". (Name of the site is the one you set in the home)

const sitesToEnablePlugin = ["0xsuk's blog"];
new ToolbarItem({
  initialChar: "A",
  weight: 5,
  run: (editorView) => {
    const from =
    const insert = "{{</*alert `\n\n` info*/>}}";

      changes: { from, insert },
      selection: { anchor: from + 11 },

  isActive: (siteConfig) => {
    if (sitesToEnablePlugin.includes(siteConfig.name)) {
      return true;
    return false;
autoclosebracket plugin
function handleAutoclose(transactionSpecList, transaction) {
  return function forBracket(opening, closing) {
    transaction.changes.iterChanges((fromA, _, fromB, toB) => {
      const newChars = transaction.newDoc.sliceString(fromB, toB);
      if (newChars === opening) {
          changes: { from: fromA, insert: opening + closing },
          selection: { anchor: fromA + 1 },
          filter: false, //do not filter transaction for this update to prevent unintended behaviour
      if (newChars === closing) {
        //if the next char is also closing bracket, move cursor right
        const nextChar = transaction.startState.sliceDoc(fromA, fromA + 1);
        if (nextChar === closing) {
            selection: { anchor: fromA + 1 },
            filter: false,
new TransactionFilter({
  fn: (transaction) => {
    const transactionSpecList = [];
    const forBracket = handleAutoclose(transactionSpecList, transaction);
    forBracket("[", "]");
    forBracket("(", ")");

    return transactionSpecList;
japanese keymap
new TransactionFilter({
  map: new Map([
    ["#", "#"], //mapping japanese # to english #
    [" ", " "], //mapping japanese space to english space

Integrated Terminal

Press Ctrl + @ to open/hide.
Press ctrl+d to kill a process. If a process is killed, integrated terminal automatically closes.

Click + to add an instance.

If you navigate to Home while integrated terminal is open, all instances will be inaccesible, but still be running in the background.

Global settings

Navigate to Home (start page), and click on Settings in GLOBAL section of the sidebar.

Open Integrated Terminal with Ctrl+@

Disable this to prevent Agit CMS from opening an integrated terminal when ctrl+@ is captured.

Site settings

Go to one of site you added, and click on Settings in SITE section of the sidebar.

Frontmatter language

Define what language you use to represent frontmatter in markdown posts.

Default: yaml

Frontmatter delimiters

Define what delimiters you use to wrap frontmatter.
If you want to parse frontmatter in toml like below, you want to set frontmatter delimiters to +++, and frontmatter language to toml.

title = example
# Heading of the article

Default: ---

Frontmatter template

This one is optional but recommended if you want to parse frontmatter with correct types, or if you want to create new posts by CREATE NEW button of the Agit CMS file explorer.

Frontmatter template specifies what type each property of frontmatter is attributed to.

This information is used when Agit CMS parses markdown and generates a type-aware frontmatter editor, or when Agit CMS creates a new post with default frontmatter values.


Let's take a frontmatter below for example.

title: Configuration
date: '2022-07-03T17:52:46+09:00'
draft: false
tags: ["React.js", "Web Dev"]

When Agit CMS parses frontmatter and generates a type-aware frontmatter editor, it tries to find a type for each property of frontmatter.

If you set date property of frontmatter to be a type of Date for instance, Agit CMS provides a date picker in the frontmatter editor.
If you set draft to be a type of Bool, Agit CMS provides a boolean toggler in the frontmatter editor.

Supported types

Textplain text (ex. title: Configuration)
List of Textlist of text (ex. tags: ["React.js", "Web Dev"])
Multiline Texttext with multiple lines
Datedate in ISO 8601 format (ex. date: '2022-07-03T17:52:46+09:00')
Booltrue or false (ex. draft: false)
Nestproperty that contains child properties

Media Folder Path

Specify where you store media (image, GIF and so on) in your file system.

Media Public Path

Specify the url path media content is accesible from.


Suppose media folder path is /home/mysite/static/uploads, and /home/mysite/static/uploads/example.png's url is https://mywebsite.com/contents/images/example.png.

Then media public path should be /contents/images.

API Reference


namename of the site
keyunique id
paththe root path of the site
frontmatterLanguagefrontmatter language (yaml/toml)
frontmatterDelimiterfrontmatter delimiter
media.staticPathstatic path (filesystem path) of the media folder
media.publicPathpublic path (url path) of the media contents
pinnedDirsarray of pinned folders and files
frontmatterfrontmatter template

class Plugin

constructor({isActive})create new instance
isActivePlugin is active or notbool | (siteConfig) => booltrue

class ToolbarItem

subclass of Plugin | property/method | desc | |---|---| | constructor(config) | create new instance |


initialCharsingle character that represents item in the toolbarstring
tooltipdescription of the toolstring
weightThe more weight, the latter the item appears in the toolbarnumber
keyAliaskey to invoke the plugin. To learn more about key notation, visit https://codemirror.net/docs/ref/#view.KeyBindingstring
runaction to perform. editorView holds information of the editor, and siteConfig holds configuration of the site. stateModule is a codemirror's state module, which has access to all the classes/constants exported from https://codemirror.net/docs/ref/#state. In most cases, you want to call editorView.dispatch to perform action on editor.(editorView, siteConfig, stateModule) => void() => alert("No action is registered for this toolbar item").
isActive= Plugin.isActive

class TransactionFilter

subclass of Plugin | property/method | desc | |---|---| | constructor(config) | create new instance |


mapmap key to another keyMapnew Map()
fnfunction to perform. Use this field to perform complicated job that you can't with map.(transaction) => transaction
isActive= Plugin.isActive

Bugs and Questions

If you want to report a bug or have a question, create a new issue. Don't forget to label it!


Agit CMS is built with React.js, Typescript, webpack, Material UI, and CodeMirror

environment setup

Install: git clone git@github.com:0xsuk/agitcms.git && npm i
Start: npm run dev


From version 2.0.0, Agit CMS became a web interface instead of a desktop app. This way you can use your favorite chrome extension like Grammarly.


  • markdown editor - custom markdown rendering
  • markdown editor - auto saving config
  • markdown editor - Table of contents