0.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

agora v0.0.2

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9 years ago

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dead simple websocket communication module.

Stream JSON data easily with events between clients and server. You can broadcast to all clients, or just one.

runs in node and in the browser with browserify!

It's basically a simple wrapper built around the awesome module emit.io


npm install agora

server example

var Server = require('agora').Server;

var server = new Server({
    port: 8000

server.on('connection', function (conn) {

    var id = conn.id;

    /* returned inStream is an emitter */
    var inStream = conn.inStream;

    /* you can emit to the outStream and data will
     * be piped off to the client */
    var outStream = conn.outStream;

     * listen on a per client basis
     * in this case, we listen for the 'addOne' event from the client,
     * and we can wrangle it, then send it back with an 'addResult' event
    inStream.on('addOne', function (data) {
        server.emitTo(outStream, 'addResult', data += 1);

    /* emit to one client */
    server.emitTo(outStream, 'ready', id);

/* or emit to everyone! */
setInterval(function () {
    server.emit('serverTime', new Date());
}, 1000);

client example

var Client = require('agora').Client;
var client = new Client();

 * once we get the ready event from the server,
 * we're good to go! we can now start emitting
 * and the server will hear the events!
client.on('ready', function (id) {
    client.id = id;
    client.emit('addOne', 1);

 * once you've built your server API, you can
 * listen to events. Here we've set up
 * an addResult event.
client.on('addResult', function (data) {
    var div = document.getElementById('#someDiv');
    div.innerHTML = data;

    setTimeout(function () {
        client.emit('addOne', data);
    }, 5000);

client.on('serverTime', function (date) {

/* connect the client! */


var Signals = require('agora');

var server = new Signals.Server(opts)

Creates a new instance of a websocket server.

opts.port | specify the port number int

var client = new Signals.Client()

Creates a new instance of a websocket client.


Connects to the websocket server at the provided address | String.
