0.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

ai-core-client-demo v0.0.0

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Last release
5 years ago

Core client

Install dependencies

npm i
cd projects/aitheon/core-client
npm i
cd ../../..

1. Build and watch lib

sudo npm run watch

(if you are using Linux and got ENOSPC error, make sure to reset maximum amount of watchers)

echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p

Wait lib to build and start watching changes and only then go to step 2

2. Development server

Run for a dev server.

ng serve

Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

How to guides

Main structure

  • src - folder of demo application. Used to show all controls and themes from library
  • projects/aitheon/core-client - Core library with components and themes styling.
  • dist - library build result

Structure of projects/aitheon/core-client/src

  • public_api.ts - must export any service or component that will public available for library.
  • assets - folderc ontains all core images, fonts and etc. files. All content of this folder will be copied to microservice assets folder during a build.
  • lib/core-client.options.ts - optional options that pass to core library
  • lib - this is a main library folder with components, services and etc. It's devided not by modules, but by types such as services, pipes, directives and etc.

Demo application

  • Must demonstate all possible states of elements/components, as example buttons component require to demonstrate all posible button sizes (.btn-lg, btn-sm and etc.) and variants with icons, etc.


All styles and themes is at projects/aitheon/core-client/styles folder

  • main.scss - contains css/scss links to angular and etc, libraries
  • core - folder contains general elements styles, such as tabs, checkboxes and etc. used in this library and a link to to core/core.scss
  • core/core.scss - contains all core styles/animations and link to bootstrap to be able override it's variables
  • core/_variables.scss - contains z-index, size or different elements if they static, common background and etc. Must not include colors or etc theme related variable that is used in themes, to avoid dublicate.
  • themes - folder for themes. Any elements that need special theme styling such drive-uploader, tabs or etc. will be here, as example themes/${theme-name}/_tabs.scss
  • themes/${theme-name} - folder with all theme styles. Always as a root file must have themes/${theme-name}/${theme-name}.scss file.
  • themes/${theme-name}/_variables.scss - colors, background variables for theme

Create or modify theme

  • variable names must be lower-case, as example: $brand-primary;
  • all colors, background and etc. must be variables
  • class naming: when it's possible class name must be as general as possible. As example, theme must not include class name top-left-user-header-used-only-here, just make it as top-header and user-header that will just modify some small things.
  • class naming: don't create too spesific classes. example of BAD classes
  padding-top: 7px;
.pt-8 {
  padding-top: 8px;
.bg-d3d3d3 {
  background: #d3d3d3;

better will be

    padding-top: 7px;
.pad-md {
    ... etc
.light-background {

How to switch theme or get change event

  • Core library includes ThemesService.
  • Theme switching is already implemented in header, to switch it from other code themesService.switchTheme()
  • Example of of theme changed event.
import { ThemesService } from '@aitheon/core-client';
    private themesService: ThemesService,
  ) {
    this.themesService.themeChanged.subscribe((theme: any) => {
      console.log('theme:', theme);

Any theme except default need to have all style under ${theme-name} class for body element. as example, dark theme styles for button.

body.dark {
    .btn-primary {
        // styles

Styling components at microservices level

When need to apply some styles to component elements at microservice, you can use theme variables, as example, for dashboard

dashboard.component.ts include ${component-name}.${theme-name}.scss file and add it to styleUrls

  selector: 'ai-dashboard',
  templateUrl: './dashboard.component.html',
  styleUrls: [


You can import variables for corresponding theme and core variables, as in example below, path to node_modules need to match your component folder level.

At this example, class .btn-cool-user will have a $brand-primary color from dark theme when body will be with class dark

// contains size and index
@import '../../../node_modules/@aitheon/core-client/styles/core/variables';
// colors and theme related staff
@import '../../../node_modules/@aitheon/core-client/styles/themes/dark/variables';

:host-context(.dark) {
    .btn-cool-user {
        color: $brand-primary;

How theme file included to page

At index.html file there is link to compiled css file. Link to selected theme is changed at ThemesService at this library.

<link rel="stylesheet" id="css-theme" href="styles/themes/default/default.css" />

Library Version changes manifest

  • MAJOR version when you make breacking API changes, Angular major version up
  • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner. New components or it's updates.
  • PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

Publish lib

Before publish need to version up library following above rules at file projects/aitheon/core-client/package.json

npm run pub:lib