2.2.2 • Published 6 years ago
airhorn-cmds v2.2.2
An NPM Package to make creating new Discord.JS bots efficiently
Airhorn-cmds currently includes a command handler for your Discord.JS bots.
npm install airhorn-cmds --save
Setup guide
1 - To start using the Command Handler after installation, we'll first need require airhorn-cmds and create a new Command Handler with the proper folder name and prefixes.
const { CommandHandler } = require("airhorn-cmds")
const CH = new CommandHandler({
folder: __dirname + '/commands/',
prefix: ['?', '!', '+', 'mygigabot']
2 - Inside of the message event, we're going to do a little parsing and checking if they ran an available command or not.
bot.on("message", (message) => {
if(message.channel.type === 'dm') return;
if(message.author.type === 'bot') return;
let args = message.content.split(" ");
let command = args[0];
let cmd = CH.getCommand(command);
if(!cmd) return;
3 - And of course we're going to need a command file. So inside of your bot folder, create a folder called commands. I'm going to create a file called test.js and put the following code inside of it.
module.exports = class test {
this.name = 'test',
this.alias = ['t'],
this.usage = '?test'
async run(bot, message, args) {
await message.delete();
message.reply(this.name + " worked!")
6 years ago