1.0.7 • Published 6 years ago

aitch-seo v1.0.7

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6 years ago

:ocean: aitch-seo

:earth_asia: SEO toolkit

aitch-seo helps you with loading the HTML document and evaluating if the HTML document has followed the rules you specified.

This module supports:

  1. Fetching the HTML document from the location specified by URL or ReadableStream.
  2. Validating the fetched document with the customised rules.
  3. Exporting the evaluation results with the WritableStream provided, e.g., MemoryStream, FileStream, and Console etc.

This module uses cheerio to construct the DOM for you.

:clipboard: Install

npm install --save-dev aitch-seo

:clipboard: Try it out

const AWithNoRelRule   = require('aitch-seo/rules/AWithNoRelRule');
const ImgWithNoAltRule = require('aitch-seo/rules/ImgWithNoAltRule');
const HeadRule         = require('aitch-seo/rules/HeadRule');
const TooStrongRule    = require('aitch-seo/rules/TooStrongRule');
const TooManyH1sRule   = require('aitch-seo/rules/TooManyH1sRule');
const SEO              = require('aitch-seo');

var rules = [
	ImgWithNoAltRule, //1
	AWithNoRelRule, //2
	TooManyH1sRule, //4
	HeadRule, //5

var test_writing_file = __dirname + '/output.txt';
var test_file         = 'https://www.lian-car.com';
var result            = SEO.fetch_url(test_file);

	var $ = parsed_rlt.selector;

	var validation_results = SEO.validate(rules, $);
	var rlt = SEO.push_file(test_writing_file, validation_results);

		console.info('We did it!!');
	} else {
		console.error('Oh no!');

The content of output.txt:

There is no <IMG> tag in this HTML document without "alt" attribute.
There is no <A> tag in this HTML document without "rel" attribute.
There is no <STRONG> tag in this HTML document.
There is 1 <H1> tag in thie HTML document
This HTML does have <TITLE> tag.
This HTML does have <META> tag with "name=descriptions".
This HTML does have <META> tag with "name=keywords".

:clipboard: Test the source

Make sure you have installed mocha:

$> npm install --save-dev mocha
#or you just want to party:
$> npm i -g mocha

Goto clone this project from GitHub page:

$> git clone git@github.com:aitch0083/aitch-seo.git
$> cd aitch-seo
$> npm install

Then you can run the test:

$> npm run test

:clipboard: What you get:

//get the HTML document from the location specified by URL

//get the HTML document from the location 
//specified by "target", the file name string

//get the HTML document from the location 
//specified by "target", the ReadableStream object

//output the validation results to the location 
// specified by WritableStream, and join the content with "delimiter" specified
SEO.push(stream, results, delimiter){}

//output the validation results to the location 
//specified by "target", the file name string
SEO.push_file(target, results){}

//you figure it out, it's fun
SEO.push_console(results, delimiter, stream, iwantconsole){}

//validate the HTML content with the rules provided
SEO.validate(rules, selector, configs){}

:clipboard: Usage:

Including the SEO object:

var SEO = require('aitch-seo');

Fetching by assigning the URL:

var SEO    = require('aitch-seo');
var url    = 'https://www.lian-car.com/';
var result = SEO.fetch_url(url);

	var $ = parsed_rlt.selector;
	//select the <IMG> tags with class name: '.i_am_special'
	var imgs = $('img.i_am_special');

Fetching by assigning the file name:

var SEO       = require('aitch-seo');
var test_file = '/somewhere_out_there/random_html_document.html';
var result    = SEO.fetch_from_file(test_file);
	var $ = parsed_rlt.selector;
	//select the <IMG> tags with class name: '.i_am_special'
	var imgs = $('img.i_am_special');

Fetching and validating:

//Import your rules
const AWithNoRelRule   = require('./AWithNoRelRule');
const ImgWithNoAltRule = require('./ImgWithNoAltRule');
const HeadRule         = require('./HeadRule');

const rules = [

var test_file = '/somewhere_out_there/random_html_document.html';
var result    = SEO.fetch_from_file(test_file);

	var $ = parsed_rlt.selector;
	var validation_results = SEO.validate(rules, $);

	_.each(validation_results, function(rrr){ //watch out for the report 
	 	if(rrr.report !== undefined){
	 		console.info('report gets:', rrr.report);

//you will get the following message if succeed:
//There are 2 <IMG> tags without "alt" attributes.
//There are 11 <A> tags without "rel" attributes.
//This HTML does have <TITLE> tag.

Wrting to a place you like:

var test_writing_file = '/somewhere_awesome/output.txt';
var test_file         = '/somewhere_out_there/random_html_document.html';
var result            = SEO.fetch_from_file(test_file);

	var $ = parsed_rlt.selector;
	var validation_results = SEO.validate(rules, $);
	var rlt = SEO.push_file(test_writing_file, validation_results);

		console.info('We did it!!');
	} else {
		console.error('Oh no!');

Wrting to any WritableStream:

const ms = require('memory-streams');//fancy~~~

var test_file = '/somewhere_out_there/random_html_document.html';
var result    = SEO.fetch_from_file(test_file);
var writer    = new ms.WritableStream();

	var $ = parsed_rlt.selector;
	var validation_results = SEO.validate(rules, $);
	var rlt = SEO.push(writer, validation_results);
	//writer.end(); //push() calls end() for you

		console.info('We did it!!');
	} else {
		console.error('Oh no!');

More usages, please refer to test/test.js.

:clipboard: Customise your own Rule

Since all the rules derive from rules/Rule, you can use any rule in the rules folder as the template:

#file name: rules/MyOwnRule.js
'use strict'

const _    = require('lodash');
const Rule = require('aitch-seo/rules/Rule');

const MyOwnRule = _.extend(new Rule(), {
	name: 'MyOwnRule',
	validate: function($){//must have this one, otherewise there will be Error thrown :( 
		var a_tags = $('a');

		return {
			pass: a_tags.length > 0 ? true : false,
			rlts: a_tags,
			report: this.report(a_tags)
	},//eo validate

	report: function(rlts){//This is where you define your own styled output
		var template = _.template('There <%= being %> <%= amount %> <A> tag<%= postfix %>.');
		var being    = rlts.length > 1 ? 'are' : 'is';
		var postfix  = rlts.length > 1 ? 's' : '';
		var amount   = rlts.length;

		if(amount === 0){
			return 'There is no <A> tag in this HTML document';

		return template({amount, being, postfix});
	}//eo report

module.exports = MyOwnRule;

#Import this rule
var MR    = require('/path/to/rules/MyOwnRule');
var rules = [MR];

var test_writing_file = '/somewhere_awesome/output.txt';
var test_file         = '/somewhere_out_there/random_html_document.html';
var result            = SEO.fetch_from_file(test_file);

	var $ = parsed_rlt.selector;
	var validation_results = SEO.validate(rules, $);//validate with MyOwnRule!
	var rlt = SEO.push_file(test_writing_file, validation_results);

		console.info('We did it!!');
	} else {
		console.error('Oh no!');

You can change the order of the rules by defining your own rules array:

const AWithNoRelRule   = require('aitch-seo/rules/AWithNoRelRule');
const ImgWithNoAltRule = require('aitch-seo/rules/ImgWithNoAltRule');
const HeadRule         = require('aitch-seo/rules/HeadRule');
const TooStrongRule    = require('aitch-seo/rules/TooStrongRule');
const TooManyH1sRule   = require('aitch-seo/rules/TooManyH1sRule');

var rules = [
	ImgWithNoAltRule, //1
	AWithNoRelRule, //2
	TooManyH1sRule, //4
	HeadRule, //5

Have fun~~

super cute bulldog


6 years ago


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6 years ago