0.1.0 • Published 1 year ago
akam-general-player v0.1.0
General Player
Some Descriptions and Usecases of General Player
propName | default | required | type | description |
isLive | false | yes | boolean | By this props you Specify that Live Player must rendered or not |
isShowLoadingBeforePlayer | false | yes | boolean | the Loading Page Before Player must shown or not |
lastSeen | 0 | no | number OR string | Video Starts from the user last seen if 0 video starts from first |
handlePlayerReady | (player) => void | no | (player) => void | pass the events of the player that provided in VideoJS Library such as 'wating', 'abort' for more Info checkout https://docs.videojs.com/audiotrack#events |
getAdsFromOut | null | no | (callBackFunction) => void | this props is for adding the Ads API Call to Player. CAUTION: the CallbackFunction is Coming From the General Player Component And You should just call it after reformat the data based on DTO that will provide next |
videoJsOptions | (in the end of the Doc) | true | object | an object of the Videojs Options , for more info checkout https://videojs.com/guides/options/ |
timeToShowNextEpisodeBtn | 0 | no | number | when to show the Next Episode Button on Player |
timeToShowSkipEndTeaser | {start: 0,end: 0} | no | {start: number,end: number} | when to show the SkipEndTeaser and when to stop |
loadingBeforePlayerContext | {poster: '', title: '', permaLink: ''} | yes | {poster: string, title: string, permaLink: string} | data needed for loading before player page |
adsCount | 0 | no | number | number of times the ads must shown in a Video |
adsLink | null | no | string | the link that player must send request to it to take the Ads data |
endTeaser | 0 | no | number | when the end Teaser starts |
contentPoster | null | no | string | Poster of the Content |
nextContentPoster | null | no | string | Poster of next Content |
nextContentPermaLink | null | no | string | Permalink of next content |
seasonsCount | 0 | no | number | number of the seasons |
contentPermaLink | null | no | string | Permalink of the Content |
eachSecondsLastSeenMustChecked | 0 | no | number | How many times each seconds the lastSeen Api Call? |
lastSeenApiCall | null | no | (contentPermaLink, currentTime) => void | Both parameters came from General Component you should just use them in your API |
CAUTION: for the Ads API Call, before Calling the callbackFunction make sure the Data Schema be like the below DTO: { link: string, title: string, skipTime: number, filePath: string, }
1 year ago