0.0.9 • Published 4 years ago

alexa-smart-home-controller v0.0.9

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4 years ago

alexa-smart-home-controller (beta)

Alexa Smart Home Controller makes your implementation simpler.

Original Reference (on Amazon) https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/smarthome/understand-the-smart-home-skill-api.html


  • Readable and easier understandable structure
  • Developer can be more focus on their device cloud implementation

This library is designed Developer can make code easier by riding some conventions on this package.


npm install alexa-smart-home-controller


yarn add alexa-smart-home-controller


This is a example of Lambda handler which is called from Alexa.

import SmartHomeController from 'alexa-smart-home-controller'
import * as DeviceCloud from './deviceCloud'

export const handler = async (event, context) => {
    console.log(event, context)

    const devices = [
      new DeviceCloud.MyLightDevice({

    const controller = new SmartHomeController({
    const response = {
      event: await controller.run()

Implementation Step

Step1: Design device's Capability and Behavior

First You will implement your device capability and behavior as a device class which extends from UserDevice base class.

import { Device, Discovery } from 'alexa-smart-home-controller'

// this is a dummy of device cloud
class YourDeviceCloud {
    public call(val): string {
        return val

export class MyLightDevice extends Device.UserDevice {
    public getEndpointId() {
        return '1'

    public getCategory() {
        return ['LIGHT']

    public getDeviceDescriptor() {
        const dd: Device.DeviceDescriptor = {
            endpointId: '1', // should be matched value from getEndpointId()
            name: 'mylightdevice',
            description: 'description',
            manufactureName: 'manu',
            friendlyName: 'fname',
            cookie: {hoge: 'hoge'}
        return dd

    public getCapability() {
        return [

    public getDeviceBehavior() {
        const r = {
            event: {
                header: this.getResponseHeader(),
                endpoint: this.getResponseEndpoint(),
                payload: {} 
            context: {
                properties: []
        return {
            'Alexa.BrightnessController': {
                SetBrightness: async (directive) => {
                    return this.getErrorResponse({
                        type: 'NOT_IN_OPERATION',
                        message: 'This operation is not supported.'
                AdjustBrightness: async (directive) => {
                    const {
                    } = directive
                    const brightnessDelta = payload.brightnessDelta
                    const after = await new YourDeviceCloud().call(brightnessDelta)
                        namespace: 'Alexa.BrightnessController',
                        name: 'brightness',
                        value: after,
                        timeOfSample: '',
                        uncertaintyInMilliseconds: 1000
                    return r
            'Alexa.PowerController': {
                TurnOn: async (directive) => {
                    const {
                    } = directive
                    await new YourDeviceCloud().call('turnOn')
                    return r
                TurnOff: async (directive) => {
                    const {
                    } = directive
                    await new YourDeviceCloud().call('turnOff')
                    return r
            'Alexa.ToggleController': {
                TurnOn: async (directive) => {
                    const {
                    } = directive
                    await new YourDeviceCloud().call('fanOn')
                    return r
                TurnOff: async (directive) => {
                    const {
                    } = directive
                    await new YourDeviceCloud().call('fanOff')
                    return r

the alexa-smart-home-controller requires implementation of some methods which defines on the UserDevice base class.

   * return endpoint id of your device.
   * This method is called when Alexa Controller Request received.
   * SmartHomeController check equality this value and Directive.endpoint.endpointId
    * This is automatically called when Alexa Controller Request Received.
  public abstract getEndpointId(): string;

   * return you device meta data as DeviceDescriptror
   * Important: DeviceDescriptor.endpointId is set to the 
   * directive.endpoint.endpointId in the SmartHomeSkill.
   * You will access your deviceCloud to make the descriptor at this method.
   * This is automatically called when Alexa Discovery Request Received when without the discoveryFunction
  public matcher(event: ControllerRequestEvent): boolean {
    console.log('[ASHC]: matcher on base class', event);
    return true;

   * endpoint Id
   * Important: DeviceDescriptor.endpointId is set to the
   * directive.endpoint.endpointId in the SmartHomeSkill.
  public abstract getDeviceDescriptor?(): DeviceDescriptor;

   * return your device capability
   * This is automatically called when Alexa Discovery Request Received when without the discoveryFunction
  public abstract getCapability?(): Capability[];

   * return you device category
   * This is automatically called when Alexa Discovery Request Received when without the discoveryFunction
  public abstract getCategory?(): DeviceCategory[];

   * return your device behavior.
   * You will access your deviceCloud in each behavior.
   * This is automatically called when Alexa Controller Request Received.
  public abstract getDeviceBehavior(): Device.DeviceBehaviorDefinition;

Step2: Implement lambda handler by using SmartHomeController

After defined device, You will implement your lambda handler with using SmartHomeController instance. Pass your device instance to the Constructor of the SmartHomeController.

This is a code example same as the example section.

import SmartHomeController from 'alexa-smart-home-controller'
import * as DeviceCloud from './deviceCloud'

export const handler = async (event, context) => {
    console.log(event, context)

    const devices = [
      new DeviceCloud.MyLightDevice({

    const controller = new SmartHomeController({
    const response = {
      event: await controller.run()

Discovery option

By device cloud, there is a case which all device information will get by a call like a list function. You can also implement discovery behavior individually as DiscoveryFunction

DiscoveryFunction is a function which return all discovery endpoints

 * Getting Devices from Device Cloud
export type DiscoveryFunction = (
  event: DiscoveryRequestEvent
) => Promise<Endpoint[]>;

You can pass as this function as a parameter of constructor of SmartHomeController.

import SmartHomeController from 'alexa-smart-home-controller'
import * as DeviceCloud from './deviceCloud'

export const handler = async (event, context) => {
    console.log(event, context)

    const devices = [
      new DeviceCloud.MyLightDevice({

    const controller = new SmartHomeController({
    const response = {
      event: await controller.run()

When you pass your discoveryFunction, Some methods in the UserDevice class does not have to implement.

export class DummyDevice2 extends Device.UserDevice {
    public getEndpointId() {
        return '1' // should be matched getDeviceDescriptor.endpointId

    // You don't need implement these methods when you use discovery function. (Make sure set undefined these methods)
    public getCategory = undefined
    public getDeviceDescriptor = undefined
    public getCapability = undefined

    public getDeviceBehavior() {
        const r: Device.Response = {
            event: {
                header: this.getResponseHeader(),
                endpoint: this.getResponseEndpoint(),
                payload: {} 
        return {
            'Alexa.BrightnessController': {
                // @ts-ignore
                SetBrightness: async (directive) => {
                    return this.getErrorResponse({
                        type: 'NOT_IN_OPERATION',
                        message: 'This operation is not supported.'
                // @ts-ignore
                AdjustBrightness: async (directive) => {
                    const {
                    } = directive
                    const brightnessDelta = payload.brightnessDelta
                    // @ts-ignore
                    r.context = {
                        properties: [
                                namespace: 'Alexa.BrightnessController',
                                name: 'brightness',
                                value: brightnessDelta,
                                timeOfSample: 'time',
                                uncertaintyInMilliseconds: 1000
                    return r
            'Alexa.PowerController': {
                // @ts-ignore
                TurnOn: async (directive) => {
                    return r
                // @ts-ignore
                TurnOff: async (directive) => {
                    return r
            'Alexa.ToggleController': {
                // @ts-ignore
                TurnOn: async (directive) => {
                    return r
                // @ts-ignore
                TurnOff: async (directive) => {
                    return r

Custom Device Mapper

There are some cases which provides same class instance to the different devices. Imagine it user has more than 2 AirConditioner.

this example, return lighting device object if required device is light. (supposed to be set the deviceType in the cookie object)

export class MyLightDevice extends Device.UserDevice {
    public getEndpointId() {
        return '1'
    publich matcher(event: ControllerRequestEvent): boolean {
      return event.directive.cookie.deviceType === 'lighting'

    public getCategory() {
        return ['LIGHT']

    public getDeviceDescriptor() {
        const dd: Device.DeviceDescriptor = {
            endpointId: '1', // should be matched value from getEndpointId()
            name: 'mylightdevice',
            description: 'description',
            manufactureName: 'manu',
            friendlyName: 'fname',
            cookie: {hoge: 'hoge'}
        return dd

Preset Resources

Alexa-Smart-Home-Controller has several preset capability resources. You will build easier to design your device capability.

Note: Currently, Only en-US locale has compatibility. (Several resource has ja-JP compatibility.)

To use preset, Implement it in the UserDevice.getCapability method.


    public getCapability() {
        return [

To check all presets, see preset.ts file https://github.com/secual/alexa-smart-home-controller/blob/master/src/discovery/preset.ts

Package convention

Alexa-Smart-Home-Controller calls some of abstract methods from internal.

The rules is below.

   * return endpoint id of your device.
   * This method is called when Alexa Controller Request received.
   * SmartHomeController check equality this value and Directive.endpoint.endpointId
    * This is automatically called when Alexa Controller Request Received.
  public abstract getEndpointId(): string;

   * return you device meta data as DeviceDescriptror
   * Important: DeviceDescriptor.endpointId is set to the 
   * directive.endpoint.endpointId in the SmartHomeSkill.
   * You will access your deviceCloud to make the descriptor at this method.
   * This is automatically called when Alexa Discovery Request Received when without the discoveryFunction
  public abstract getDeviceDescriptor?(): DeviceDescriptor;

   * return your device capability
   * This is automatically called when Alexa Discovery Request Received when without the discoveryFunction
  public abstract getCapability?(): Capability[];

   * return you device category
   * This is automatically called when Alexa Discovery Request Received when without the discoveryFunction
  public abstract getCategory?(): DeviceCategory[];

   * return your device behavior.
   * You will access your deviceCloud in each behavior.
   * This is automatically called when Alexa Controller Request Received.
  public abstract getDeviceBehavior(): Device.DeviceBehaviorDefinition

4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago


4 years ago