0.0.11 • Published 4 years ago

alias-dirs v0.0.11

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Last release
4 years ago


Codecov Open Issues Dependencies License


Automically creates aliased directories for babel! No more relative path traversing in babel like so:

import ExampleComponent from "../../../../../components/ExampleComponent"

Instead, with the help of the babel-plugin-module-resolver, this package automatically creates aliases to root-level . directories and top-level directories within the src directory... so you don't have to:

import ExampleComponent from "~components/ExampleComponent"

If you add a folder to one of these directories while developing, not a problem, simply restart the node service and the folder will be automatically aliased!




Advanced Usage

Alias Symbols

Ignore Directories




Report Bugs

Feature Requests



npm i -D alias-dirs


yarn -D alias-dirs


babel.config.js (must be a .js file)

const aliasDirs = require("alias-dirs")

module.exports = api => {
  api.cache.using(() => process.env.NODE_ENV)

  return {
    presets: [...],
    plugins: [
          alias: aliasDirs()

And you're all set! Now you can import a ~root directory from within any nested .js files:

import "~styles"
import ExampleComponent from "~components/Example" 
import ExampleContainer from "~containers/Example"


The following props are accepted by aliasDirs():

alias(str)A string to alias directories to (default: Alias Symbols)
debug(bool)A boolean to output debug messages (default: false) Debugging
ignoreDirectories(arr)An array of string directory paths to ignore (default: Ignore Directories)
paths(arr)An array of string directory paths relative to the root project directory (default: Pathing)
suppressWarnings(bool)A boolean to suppress warnings (default: false)

Advanced Usage

Alias Symbols

By default this package will alias all directories with a tilde ~.

If you wish to override the predefined alias, then you can supply a string to the alias property.

For example:

aliasDirs({ alias: "$" })

WARNING: This module will not play well with public or private npm @ name-spaced packages. Aliasing with an empty string "" or with the private @ symbol is discouraged and not recommended as it may conflict with a node_module package. A warning will be shown if an empty string or @ is used. If you want to supress warnings, then add suppressWarnings: true property. As such, use at your own risk.

Ignore Directories

By default this package will ignore the following directories:


In addition, these directories will also be automatically ignored by enforcement:

^[.]/ // any directories with "." in their name

If you wish to override the defaults, then you must supply an array of string directory names to ignoreDirectories:

For example:

// this will override the default and ignore ANY directories named "secret"
aliasDirs({ ignoreDirectories: ["secret"] })

If you want to keep the default ignored directories and extend from them, then you can utilize the predefined aliasDirs.ignoreDirectories array.

For example:

const aliasDirs = require("../index")

module.exports = api => {
  api.cache.using(() => process.env.NODE_ENV)

  return {
    presets: [...],
    plugins: [
          alias: aliasDirs({
            ignoreDirectories: [ ...aliasDirs.ignoreDirectories, "components" ]


By default, this package will only alias root-level directories within the project's root directory . and top-level directories within the ./src directory.

If you wish to override the default paths, then you can supply an array of root-level relative string paths to the paths property (do NOT include trailing slashes).

For example:

// this traverses all subdirectories within "./server", ignoring the root "." and "./src" directories
aliasDirs({ paths: ["./server"] })


If you want to make sure your directories are being properly ignored/aliased, then add a debug: true property. This will display a console log of: the traversed paths, the alias, the ignored directories, and the resulting aliased directories.

For example:

aliasDirs({ debug: true })


This package comes with a very simple example.

To run it, clone the repo: git clone git@github.com:mattcarlotta/alias-dirs.git

Install the example dependencies: cd example && npm i or cd example && yarn

Run the example: npm run example or yarn example

Feature Requests

Have a feature you want included or believe the package is missing something? You can either fork the repo, commit changes, and submit a new PR (please include relevant .tests.js files and run npm run test:cov or yarn test:cov to make sure the code is covered) or you can submit a feature request.

Report bugs

If you run into any issues, please fill out a bug report.

⚠️ NOTE: Please provide a reproducible codesandbox example of the bug(s) you're experiencing. Issues that don't provide a reproducible example may be ignored.


alias-dirs is MIT licensed.


4 years ago


4 years ago