0.1.8 • Published 2 years ago

alpha-dapi v0.1.8

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2 years ago



The alpha-dapi is a NestJS wrapper for @dapi-co/dapi-node (https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dapi-co/dapi-node) library that runs as part of your backend and handles communication between your backend and the Dapi API (https://api.dapi.co).


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { DapiModule } from 'alpha-dapi';

  imports: [
      useFactory: () => {
        return {
          appSecret: '',
          ddToken: '', // optional
      appSecret: '',
      ddToken: '', // optional
  controllers: [],
  providers: [],
export class AppModule {}

Now you can inject services like following:

import { Inject, Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';
import {
} from 'alpha-dapi';

export class AppService {
    private readonly dapiPaymentService: DapiPaymentService,
    private readonly dapiDataService: DapiDataService,
    private readonly dapiService: DapiService,
  ) {}

Note: Dapi splits its services through three different categories

Dapi APIs Types:

1- Dapi Core/Authentication APIs

2- Dapi Payment APIs

3- Dapi Data APIs

Let's dive into each part on its own:

Core/Authentication APIs

1- Exchanging token

2- De-link User

3- Handle SDK requests

4- Verify WebHook Signature

  • To exchange token
* @param exchangeTokenDto
* @returns Promise<IExchangeTokenResponse>
* @description: Method is used to obtain user's permanent access token by exchanging it with access code received during the user authentication.
exchangeToken(exchangeTokenDto: ExchangeTokenDto): Promise<IExchangeTokenResponse>;

class ExchangeTokenDto {
    Where accessCode & connectionID are obtained after logging in to DaPi dashboard via Connector layer
    See the following for better understanding
  accessCode: string;
  connectionID: string;
  • To de-link user
* @param deLinkUserDto
* @description: Method is used to disconnect a user in your application from the Dapi by invalidating their access token.
* @returns: Promise<void>
deLinkUser(deLinkUserDto: DeLinkUserDto): Promise<void>;

// DTO
class DeLinkUserDto {
  userSecret: string;
  • to get operation status
* @param getOperationStatusDto
* @description:
* The endpoint can be used to retrieve current status of any operation (not just payment) performed on the API.
* The endpoint receives operationID of the request performed earlier and returns its status.
* Operation can have one of the following statuses:
*  - done
*  - initialized
*  - user_input_required
* - failed
* @returns: Promise<IJobResumeResponse>
getOperationStatus(getOperationStatusDto: GetOperationStatusDto): Promise<IJobResumeResponse>;

class GetOperationStatusDto {
  operationID: string;
  • to get account metadata
* @param getAccountMetaDataDto
* @description:
* Method is used to obtain configuration information of users bank.
* If using Create Transfer this information is required to identify flow and processing logic of the transaction.
* Configuration returned by the endpoint includes:
* - 'beneficiaryCoolDownPeriod' - How much time must pass before being able to use newly registered beneficiary
* - 'isCreateBeneficiaryEndpointRequired' - Whether bank required registration of the beneficiary to perform a transaction
* - 'transferBounds' - Transaction limits supported by the bank
* - 'transactionRange' - Date range of transactions available for banks users
* @returns: Promise<IGetAccountsMetadataResponse>
getAccountMetaData(getAccountMetaDataDto: GetAccountMetaDataDto): Promise<IGetAccountsMetadataResponse>;

class GetAccountMetaDataDto {
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];
  • to handle sdk requests:
* @param sdkDapiRequestsDto
* @returns: Promise<void>
handleSDKDapiRequests(sdkDapiRequestsDto: SdkDapiRequestsDto): Promise<void>;

class SdkDapiRequestsDto {
  body: any;
  headers: any;
  • to verify web hook signature
* @param verifyWebHookSignatureDto
* @returns: boolean
verifyWebhookSignature(verifyWebHookSignatureDto: VerifyWebHookSignatureDto): boolean;

class VerifyWebHookSignatureDto {
  body: any;
  headers: any;
  webhookSecret: string;

Payment APIs

1- Transfer Auto Flow

2- Get Beneficiaries

3- Create Beneficiary

4- Create Transfer

  • to use transfer auto flow
* @param: transferAutoFlowDto
* @description: Method is used to initiate a new payment from one account to another account.
* It is identical to Create Transfer endpoint but in this case all the bank required validations and custom processes are handled on the API side.
* The result of successfully performed operation is a new transaction registered on users bank account.
* */
transferAutoFlow(transferAutoFlowDto: TransferAutoFlowDto): Promise<ICreateTransferResponse>;
class TransferAutoFlowDto {
  transfer: ITransferAutoflow;
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];
  • to get beneficiaries
* @param getBeneficiariesDto
* @description: Method is used to retrieve list of all the beneficiaries available for the user within a financial institution.
* @note:
* Please note that this endpoint is only required if you use Create Transfer instead of AutoFlow endpoint and sender bank requires beneficiary.
* If you are still using Create Transfer endpoint, we recommend you switch to Auto Flow
getBeneficiaries(getBeneficiariesDto: GetBeneficiariesDto): Promise<IGetBeneficiariesResponse>;

class GetBeneficiariesDto {
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];
  • to create beneficiary
* @param createBeneficiaryDto
* @description: Method is used to add a new beneficiary for the user.
* For some of the banks this is required to transfer funds from the user's account to the beneficiary's.
* @note:
* Please note that this endpoint is only required if you use Create Transfer instead of AutoFlow endpoint and sender bank requires beneficiary.
* If you are still using Create Transfer endpoint, we recommend you switch to Auto Flow
createBeneficiary(createBeneficiaryDto: CreateBeneficiaryDto): Promise<IBaseResponse>;

class CreateBeneficiaryDto {
  beneficiary: ICBBeneficiary;
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];
  • to create transfer
* @param createTransferDto
* @description: Method is used to initiate a new payment from one account to another account.
* @note: We suggest you use Transfer Auto Flow endpoint to initiate a payment.
* Auto Flow abstracts all the validations and processing logic, required to initiate a transaction using CreateTransfer endpoint.
createTransfer(createTransferDto: CreateTransferDto): Promise<ICreateTransferResponse>;

class CreateTransferDto {
  transfer: ITransfer;
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];

Data APIs

1- getIdentity

2- get accounts

3- get account balance

4- get account transactions

5- get cards

6- get card balance

7- get card transactions

  • To retrieve personal data
* @param getIdentityDto
* @description: Method is used to retrieve personal details about the user.
* It can be used to retrieve following information:
*  User Address
*  Contact Information
*  - Telephone Numbers
*  - Email Address
*  Legal Documentation (Proof Of User Identity)
*  User Details
*  - Nationality
*  - Date of Birth
*  - Full Name
*  @note: Information returned differs for each bank.
*  The document describes all the information that can possibly be returned by the service, but depending on the bank, not all of this data may be provided.
*  @returns: Promise<IGetIdentityResponse>
async getIdentity(getIdentityDto: GetIdentityDto): Promise<IGetIdentityResponse>

export class GetIdentityDto {
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];
  • to get accounts
* @param: getAccountsDto
* @description: Method is used to retrieve list of all the bank accounts registered on the user.
* The list will contain all types of bank accounts, including:
*  - Savings
*  - Credit
*  - Current....
*  @returns: Promise<IGetAccountsResponse>
getAccounts(getAccountsDto: GetAccountsDto): Promise<IGetAccountsResponse>;

class GetAccountsDto {
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];
  • to get account balance
* @param getAccountBalanceDto
* @description: Method is used to retrieve balance on specific bank account of the user
* @returns: Promise<IGetAccountBalanceResponse>
getAccountBalance(getAccountBalanceDto: GetAccountBalanceDto): Promise<IGetAccountBalanceResponse>;

export class GetAccountBalanceDto {
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  accountID: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];
  • to get account transactions
* @param: getAccountTransactionsDto
* @description: Method is used to retrieve transactions that user has performed over a specific period of time from their bank account.
* The transaction list is unfiltered,
* meaning the response will contain all the transactions performed by the user (not just the transactions performed using your app).
* Date range of the transactions that can be retrieved varies for each bank. The range supported by the users bank is shown in the response parameter transactionRange of Get Accounts Metadata endpoint.
* @returns: Promise<IGetTransactionsResponse>
getAccountTransactions(getAccountTransactionsDto: GetAccountTransactionsDto): Promise<IGetTransactionsResponse>;

export class GetAccountTransactionsDto {
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  accountID: string;
  fromDate: Date;
  toDate: Date;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];
  • to get cards
* @param: getCardsDto
* @description: Method is used to retrieve list of all the credit cards registered on the user. The list will contain all credit cards
* @returns: Promise<IGetCardsResponse>
getCards(getCardsDto: GetCardsDto): Promise<IGetCardsResponse>;

class GetCardsDto {
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];

to get card balance

* @param getCardBalanceDto
* @description: Method is used to retrieve balance on specific bank account of the user
* @returns: Promise<IGetCardBalanceResponse>
getCardBalance(getCardBalanceDto: GetCardBalanceDto): Promise<IGetCardBalanceResponse>;

class GetCardBalanceDto {
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  cardID: string;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];
  • to get card transactions
* @param: getCardTransactionsDto
* @description: Method is used to retrieve credit card transactions that user has performed over a specific period of time from their bank account.
* The transaction list is unfiltered, meaning the response will contain all the transactions performed
* by the user (not just the transactions performed using your app).
* Date range of the transactions that can be retrieved varies for each bank.
* The range supported by the users bank is shown in the response parameter transactionRange of Get Accounts Metadata endpoint.
* @returns: Promise<IGetTransactionsResponse>
getCardTransactions(getCardTransactionsDto: GetCardTransactionsDto): Promise<IGetTransactionsResponse>;

class GetCardTransactionsDto {
  accessToken: string;
  userSecret: string;
  cardID: string;
  fromDate: Date;
  toDate: Date;
  operationID?: string;
  userInputs?: IUserInputs[];



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