1.0.4 • Published 7 years ago
alt-logger v1.0.4
Logger for alt
This middleware for alt.js allows you to display dispatches and state changes in the console. It should only be used during development.
Table of contents
npm i -D alt-logger
import Alt from 'alt';
import createLogger from 'alt-logger';
export default createLogger(new Alt());
At the moment it's not possibly to add a custom dispatcher to alt, because it would override the DebugDispatcher.
collapsed: true, // Defines if the log group should be collapsed or not
colors: {
title: '#2ecc71',
prevState: '#3498db',
action: '#2ecc71',
nextState: '#3498db'
}, // Object with the log colors.
timestamp: true, // Print the timestamp with the action name
duration: true, // Print the duration
transformState: state => state, // Transform state before print.
transformAction action => ({
'payload': action.payload,
'type': action.type,
'id': action.id
}), // Transform action before print.
predicate: undefined // If specified this function will be called before each action is processed with this middleware. If false is returned the log process is interrupted.
Log only in development
import Alt from 'alt';
import createLogger from 'alt-logger';
const alt = new Alt();
export default (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') ? createLogger(alt) : alt;
Collapse everything except actions with a certain type
createLogger(alt, {
collapsed: (action) => action.type !== USER_ACTION
Only log actions with a certain type
createLogger(alt, {
predicate: (action) => action.type === USER_ACTION