1.2.0 • Published 4 months ago

aminewaretest v1.2.0

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4 months ago

Amineware Recruitment Test - Employees Identification Sorting


This repository contains my solution to the Amineware Recruitment Test for solving the Employees Identification Sorting problem.

Problem Statement

Provide a brief description of the problem you need to solve. Include any specific requirements or constraints.


Explain your approach to solving the problem. Include details about the algorithms, data structures, or any key decisions you made in the implementation.

Getting Started



# Clone the repository
git clone https://gitlab.com/DAVE800/amineware.test.recrutment.tn.git

# Navigate to the project directory
cd amineware.test.recrutment.tn

# Install dependencies
npm install
# runing s is the size of the dataset to be used; f is the file to be read ; d is the number of digit within the employee identification ; g is use to request dataset spawing by the system  given the parameters above.
npm start s=200 g=true f=filename.txt d=8