1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

amongsus v1.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago


Amongsus is a npm all related to among us.

const amongsus = require('amongsus');

Description: print some text to terminal.

amongsus.print(`Amongsus npm`);

Output: Amongsus npm



let text = amongsus.sussify('Your text here', type); 
// First input must be a string which is the text you want to sussify. 
// Second input must be a number between 1-4, which is the type of sussify.


Type 1

Description: adding 'sus' to the end of each word.

const amongsus = require('amongsus');

let text = amongsus.sussify('I play among us but I am not sus or imposter!', 1);

Output: Isus playsus amongsus ussus butsus Isus amsus notsus sussus orsus impostersus

Type 2

Description: replacing every 's' to 'sus'.

let text = amongsus.sussify('I play among us but I am not sus or imposter!', 2);

Output: I play among usus but I am not sususus or imposuster

Type 3

Description: adding 'ඞ ' to the end of each word.

let text = amongsus.sussify('I play among us but I am not sus or imposter!', 3);

Output: Iඞ playඞ amongඞ usඞ butඞ Iඞ amඞ notඞ susඞ orඞ imposterඞ

Type 4

Description: adding ' ඞ' to the end of each word.

let text = amongsus.sussify('I play among us but I am not sus or imposter!', 4);

Output: I ඞ play ඞ among ඞ us ඞ but ඞ I ඞ am ඞ not ඞ sus ඞ or ඞ imposter ඞ

Sus Checker

This function checks if your word/sentence is sus


amongsus.susCheck('Do you want to eat sushi?')

Output: true

amongsus.susCheck('Hello world!')

Output: false

Random Sus image

This function returns buffer of random sus image



Output: <Buffer 89 50 4e 47 0d 0a 1a 0a 00 00 00 0d 49 48 44 52 00 00 01 e0 00 00 02 83 08 06 00 00 00 c2 5c d9 fc 00 00 00 06 62 4b 47 44 00 ff 00 ff 00 ff a0 bd a7 ... 32010 more bytes>

Sus image

You need to input a color from the color preset provided below or any hex color code in the function and it will returns buffer of sus image

Color presets

black, blue, brown, cyan, green, lime, pink, purple, white, yellow These are color presets you can input in the function If you want other color, you can input any hex color code. To get hex color code, you can use the color picker in here and copy it.


amongsus.image(color).then(function(result) {


amongsus.image('red').then(function(result) {
amongsus.image('#4287f5').then(function(result) {

Example - How can I get link of sus image?

If you want to get the link of sus image, you can use the imgur-uploader npm to upload the sus image

const amongsus = require('amongsus')
const imgurUploader = require('imgur-uploader')

const random = amongsus.random()

imgurUploader(random, {title: 'Amongsus!'}).then(data => {  // upload the image to imgur
    console.log(data.link); // get the link and print in console

amongsus.image('#4287f5').then(function(result) { // create an sus image with custom color
    imgurUploader(result, {title: 'Amongsus!'}).then(data => {  // upload the image to imgur
        console.log(data.link); // get the link and print in console

Support & Report problems

If you find any problems for the npm or need any help, you can contact me Nathaniel VFX#8080 on Discord