0.0.1 • Published 5 years ago
amplify-category-openapi v0.0.1
OpenAPI plugins / libraries for AWS Amplify
Install amplify-openapi-backend
npm install -g amplify-openapi-backend
amplify plugin scan
Create a new API resource with OpenAPI Backend (Integration with API Gateway) template
amplify api add
# ? Please select from one of the below mentioned services: REST
# ? Provide a friendly name for your resource to be used as a label for this category in the project: myopenapi
# ? Provide a path (e.g., /book/{isbn}): /api
# ? Choose a Lambda source Create a new Lambda function
# ? Provide a friendly name for your resource to be used as a label for this category in the project: openapibackend
# ? Provide the AWS Lambda function name: openapibackend
# ? Choose the function runtime that you want to use: NodeJS
# ? Choose the function template that you want to use: OpenAPI Backend (Integration with API Gateway)
# ...
amplify push
Install amplify-openapi-client
frontend library
npm install --save amplify-openapi-client
Configure the library to use with Amplify
import OpenAPI from "amplify-openapi-client";
import awsconfig from "./aws-exports";
const api = new OpenAPI();
api.getClient({ name: "myopenapi", path: "/api" }).then(async client => {
const pets = await client.getPets();
npm install
npm run watch-build
Amplify OpenAPI Monorepo is Free and Open Source Software. Issues and pull requests are more than welcome!
5 years ago