0.0.6 • Published 3 years ago

amqp-middlewares v0.0.6

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3 years ago


amqp-middlewares is a toolset to create message processors for AMQP message brokers. It exports a MessagingPipeline, which allows the combination of message processors to filter, manipulate, consume from, and publish to AMQP queues. amqp-middlewares also exports a MessageProcessor interface, which you can implement to create custom message processors to fulfill other needs.


You can install amqp-middlewares with npm:

npm install amqp-middlewares

Getting started

After installing the package, you can import the tools to create a pipeline and process messages.

Including a timestamp header and publishing a message

The following example will show you how to use the messaging pipeline to achieve two things: add a "timestamp" header to a message and publish it to the "sample" exchange with the "operation" routing key.

import { Message, MessagingPipeline, PublisherMessageProcessor, AmqpClientFactory } from 'amqp-middlewares';

// Define a basic config for the AmqpClient
const config = {
  host: 'my-amqp-host',
  port: 5672,
  username: 'my-username',
  password: 'my-password',
  vhost: '/'

// Then, create an AmqpClient using the factory
const amqpClient = await AmqpClientFactory.GetClientInstance(config);

// Build your messaging pipeline. We'll use two processors for this pipeline
const pipeline = new MessagingPipeline([
  new TimestamperMessageProcessor(),
  new PublisherMessageProcessor(amqpClient, 'sample', 'operation')

  We can then create our message and run it through the pipeline. The message 
  processors are executed in the order that they are defined.

const message = new Message('Hello, world!');
await pipeline.run(message);

  At this point, we can expect the message to have been published to the
  "sample" exchange with the "operation" routing key. The 
  TimestamperMessageProcessor should also have added a "timestamp" header to
  the message.

Creating a custom message processor

amqp-middlewares exports a MessageProcessor interface, which can be used to add custom functionality to a messaging pipeline. To create a custom message processor, all you need to do implement the MessageProcessor interface in a new class and pass it along to the messaging pipeline.

The MessageProcessor interface defines a handle function, which receives a Message as the only parameter. The handle function returns a Promise, which must resolve to either of the two possible values:

  • A new Message, which will be passed along to the next processor in the pipeline;
  • null, which will stop the execution of the MessagingPipeline.

The following example shows how to create a message processor that adds a new timestamp field to a JSON message.

import { MessageProcessor, Message } from 'amqp-middlewares';

class JSONTimestamperMessageProcessor implements MessageProcessor {

  function handle(message: Message): Promise<Message | null> {
    const content = JSON.parse(message.payload);

    content['timestamp'] = new Date.getTime();
    const newPayload = JSON.stringify(content);

    return Promise.resolve(new Message(newPayload, message.headers));

You can now create a pipeline with the new message processor, as such:

const pipeline = new MessagingPipeline([
  new JSONTimestamperMessageProcessor()

3 years ago


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3 years ago