0.0.8 • Published 10 years ago

amqp-rpc v0.0.8

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Last release
10 years ago


RPC library based on AMQP protocol. Tested with RabbitMQ on the highload project.

###Install RabitMQ

apt-get install rabbitmq-server

###Install library

npm install amqp-rpc


Example: Call remote function. Run multiple servers.js for round-robin shared.

###server.js example

var rpc = require('amqp-rpc').factory({
    url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"

rpc.on('inc', function(param, cb){
    var prevVal = param;
    var nextVal = param+2;
    cb(++param, prevVal, nextVal);

rpc.on('say.*', function(param, cb, inf){

    var arr = inf.cmd.split('.');

    var name = (param && param.name) ? param.name : 'world';

    cb(arr[1] + ' ' + name + '!');


rpc.on('withoutCB', function(param, cb, inf) {

    cb('please run function without cb parameter')
    console.log('this is function withoutCB');


###client.js example

var rpc = require('amqp-rpc').factory({
    url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"

rpc.call('inc', 5, function() {
    console.log('results of inc:', arguments);  //output: [6,4,7]

rpc.call('say.Hello', { name: 'John' }, function(msg) {
    console.log('results of say.Hello:', msg);  //output: Hello John!

rpc.call('withoutCB', {}, function(msg) {
    console.log('withoutCB results:', msg);  //output: please run function without cb parameter

rpc.call('withoutCB', {}); //output message on server side console


Example: Core receiving data from all workers. Run multiple worker.js for broadcast witness. The core.js must be launched after all worker.js instances.


var os = require('os');
var worker_name = os.hostname() + ':' + process.pid;
var counter = 0;

var rpc = require('../../index').factory({
    url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"

rpc.onBroadcast('getWorkerStat', function(params, cb)    {
    if(params && params.type == 'fullStat') {
        cb(null, {
            pid: process.pid,
            hostname: os.hostname(),
            uptime: process.uptime(),
            counter: counter++
    else {
        cb(null, { counter: counter++ })


var rpc = require('../../index').factory({
    url: "amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672"

var all_stats = {};

//rpc.callBroadcast() is rpc.call() + waiting multiple responses
//If remote handler without response data, you can use rpc.call() for initiate broadcast calls.

    { type: 'fullStat'},                    //request parameters
    {                                       //call options
        ttl: 1000,                          //wait response time  (1 seconds), after run onComplete
        onResponse: function(err, stat)  {  //callback on each worker response
            all_stats[ stat.hostname+':'+ stat.pid ] = stat;

        onComplete: function()  {   //callback on ttl expired
            console.log('----------------------- WORKER STATISTICS ----------------------------------------');
            for(var worker in all_stats) {
                s = all_stats[worker];
                console.log(worker, '\tuptime=', s.uptime.toFixed(2) + ' seconds', '\tcounter=', s.counter);

Results for three workers:

----------------------- WORKER STATISTICS ----------------------------------------
host1:2612 	uptime= 2470.39 seconds 	counter= 2
host2:1615 	uptime= 3723.53 seconds 	counter= 8
host2:2822 	uptime= 2279.16 seconds 	counter= 3

Eugene Demchenko aka Goldy skype demchenkoe email demchenkoev@gmail.com