5.5.0 • Published 6 years ago
analytics-icons v5.5.0
📈 Analytics Icons
This package helps you display the right icon for web browsers, operating systems, and device manufacturers. It's super useful if you're building an analytics product.
⭐ Getting started
Add Analytics Icons to your project:
npm install analytics-icons
Then import it in your project:
import icon from "analytics-icons"
And use the function with your product query:
const chrome = icon("Chrome"); // Returns a CDN image URL for the Google Chrome icon
const mac = icon("macOS");
// Add the image URL to an `img` tag
document.querySelector("img").setAttribute("src", mac);
You can also supply a fallback image:
const image = icon("ChromeUnknown", "generic-browser.png");
Or a dynamic fallback image:
const image = icon("ChromeUnknown", "http://server/fallback/{query}.png");
If you don't, we fallback to a Bing-powered image result for "{query} icon".
🎨 Examples
📝 License