0.2.0 • Published 6 years ago

analytics-proxy v0.2.0

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Last release
6 years ago


A small analytics dispatching library that proxies common events to multiple providers. Currently includes Mixpanel, Intercom and Snowplow.


The package is hosted on Gemfury under @streemau/analytics-proxy. You will need to set up an Gemfury token via an environment variable, which can be found in your Gemfury account: export GEMFURY_TOKEN="..."

Then, you will need a .npmrc that contains the following, so you can install the private packages as well as public NPM packages:



Ensure the script tags for each provider are loaded in the head of your app. Then simply import/require the analytics-proxy and configure with your analytics providers:

import AnalyticsProxy from 'analytics-proxy';

// configuration
const config = {
  // includes keys of the providers with their own config e.g. keys, settings, etc.
  mixpanel: { token: "<MIXPANEL_TOKEN>", ...other_config },
  intercom: { app_id: "<INTERCOM_APP_ID>", ...other_config },
  snowplow: { url: "<SNOWPLOW_URL>", options: <SNOWPLOW_OPTIONS> }

// create an instance to dispatch events
const analytics = new AnalyticsProxy(config);

// Initialize the providers to start tracking

// track the currently logged in user, optionally with some metadata about the user
const userId = 123;
const metadata = { email: 'jackson.gross@streem.com.au', first_name: 'Jackson' , last_name: 'Gross' };
analytics.identify(userId, metadata);

// stop tracking the user

// record a page view for the current page

// record an event with some optional metadata describing the event
const event = 'Generated Report';
const eventMetadata = { type: 'pdf', title: 'My awesome report' };
analytics.trackEvent(event, eventMetadata);

Getting started

  1. Install dependencies
  • Run yarn install (recommended) or npm install to get the project's dependencies
  • Run yarn build or npm run build to produce minified version of the library.
  1. Development mode
  • Having all the dependencies installed run yarn dev or npm run dev. This command will generate an non-minified version of the library and will run a watcher so you get the compilation on file change.
  1. Running the tests
  • Run yarn test or npm run test. Can also run in watch mode with yarn test:watch or npm run test:watch


Ensure all new features have adequate test coverage before making a release. Once ready, ensure the package.json version number has been incremented following semver. Then authenticate to Gemfury through npm (see https://gemfury.com/help/npm-registry#npm-config) with npm login. Then simply run npm publish and the changes will be available from Gemfury!


  • yarn build or npm run build - produces production version of the library under the lib folder
  • yarn dev or npm run dev - produces development version of the library and runs a watcher
  • yarn test or npm run test - runs the tests
  • yarn test:watch or npm run test:watch - same as above but in a watch mode
  • npm publish - publishes a new version of the package to Gemfury.

6 years ago


7 years ago