1.0.1 • Published 5 years ago

angular-builder-custom-terser-options v1.0.1

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Last release
5 years ago


Custom Angular builder that allows Terser (Uglify) customization. It's a sub-class of Angular's default builder and it does a very small customization of its logic by extending final webpack config with your custom options for Terser.

Quick start

  1. Install

    npm i -D angular-builder-custom-terser-options

    For a builder compatible with Angular 7 run npm i -D angular-builder-custom-terser-options@1

  2. Add builders from this package to your angular.json.

    1. Set projects.yourProjectName.architect.build to angular-builder-custom-terser-options:browser-custom-terser
    2. Set projects.yourProjectName.architect.build.configurations.production.optimization to true
    3. Set projects.yourProjectName.architect.build.configurations.production.terserOptions to an object with any minify options supported by Terser. You can find the list of available options here.
    4. Set projects.yourProjectName.architect.serve to angular-builder-custom-terser-options:dev-server-custom-terser
      // ... rest of the default config ,
      "projects": {
        "yourProjectName": {
          "architect": {
            "build": {
              // Set our custom builder here
              "builder": "angular-builder-custom-terser-options:browser-custom-terser",
              "options": {
                // Your default options. Leave it as is
              "configurations": {
                "production": {
                  // Add any options supported by Terser here
                  "terserOptions": {
                    "keep_classnames": true
                  // Enable optimization to enable Terser itself
                  "optimization": true
            "serve": {
              // Set our custom builder here
              "builder": "angular-builder-custom-terser-options:dev-server-custom-terser"
              // Rest of the config. Leave it as is

Common use-cases

Keep class names

If you set target in your tsconfig.json to es6 or higher, set your terserOptions to { "keep_classnames": true }. If you set target in your tsconfig.json to es5, set your terserOptions to { "keep_fnames": true }.