1.1.0 • Published 8 years ago

angular-dsv v1.1.0

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Last release
8 years ago

angular-dsv Bower version


A angularjs service for reading tabular data from text files; for example tab-delimited and comma-delimited. angular-dsv combines the convenience of the d3 csv/tsv module with angular's $http service. angular-dsv is RFC4180-compliant and dependent only on angular itself.


  1. bower install angular-dsv or bower install Hypercubed/angular-dsv
  2. Include the angular-dsv.js into your app. By default at bower_components/angular-dsv/angular-dsv.js.
  3. Add hc.dsv as a module dependency to your app.



The dsv service takes a single argument and returns a new $http-like service for handling text files of delimiter-seperated values. dsv.tsv and dsv.csv are shortcuts for dsv('\t') and dsv(',') respectively.

dsv.tsv(config, accessor)

The dsv.tsv service is an example of 'delimiter'-seperated value interface for tab-delimited tables. It is service which takes two arguments: a configuration object like that expected by angular's $http, and an optional accessor function for transforming each row of the tabular data file. Like $http dsv.tsv returns a promise:

  dsv.tsv({method: 'GET', url: '/someUrl'}, function(d) { return {key: d.key, value: +d.value}; })
    .then(function(response) {
      // this callback will be called asynchronously
      // when the response is available
    .catch(function(err) {
      // called asynchronously if an error occurs
      // or server returns response with an error status.

The data value is array of objects representing the parsed rows returned from the specified url. The first row of the returned data is used as column names; these column names become the attributes on the returned objects. For example if the http request returns:

Year  Make     Model  Length
1997  Ford     E350   2.34
2000  Mercury  Cougar 2.38

The resulting JavaScript array is:

  {"Year": "1997", "Make": "Ford", "Model": "E350", "Length": "2.34"},
  {"Year": "2000", "Make": "Mercury", "Model": "Cougar", "Length": "2.38"}

dsv.tsv.get(url[, config][, accessor])

Like $http dsv.tsv provides a shortcut method for HTTP GET:

dsv.tsv.get('/someUrl', accessorFunction).then(successCallback);

dsv.tsv.getRows(url[, config][, accessor])

Similar to the dsv.tsv.get shortcut except the returned value is an array of arrays and the header line is treated as a standard row. For example if the http request returns:

Year  Make     Model  Length
1997  Ford     E350   2.34
2000  Mercury  Cougar 2.38

The resulting JavaScript array is:

  ["Year", "Make", "Model", "Length"],
  ["1997", "Ford", "E350", "2.34"],
  ["2000", "Mercury", "Cougar", "2.38"]


Like dsv.tsv except for comma-seperated-values.


Install npm and bower dependencies:

	npm install
	bower install
	npm test


Previously portions of this code were taken from mbostock's d3 csv/tsv module. Now using d3-dsv.
