0.1.3 • Published 10 years ago

angular-error-shipper v0.1.3

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10 years ago


A module for shipping errors, stack traces and other information from within your Angular app to a remote service.

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Surfacing the details of when and why your app is breaking is important, this is a tool in assisting in that process. Having these logs indexed in something like LogStash make diagnosing problems significantly easier.


This module instruments Angular's default $exceptionHandler to invoke a configurable set of clientside shippers.



Install the module and expose make it accessible to your app (by adding it to the your index.html, for example).

bower install angular-error-shipper
npm install angular-error-shipper

Declare the module as a dependency in your app:

angular.module('myApp', [
  'ngErrorShipper' // <-- the dep
  .config(['$routeProvider', function ($routeProvider) {
      .when('/', {
        templateUrl: 'main.html',
        controller: 'MainCtrl'
        redirectTo: '/'

Default Shipper

Just doing the above will not have any effect (the Angular exception handling will work as normal) you will need to configure at least one shipper. There is a default shipper than easily be configured, like so:

angular.module('myApp', []).service('myService', function (errorShipper) {
		url: 'path/where/it/should/post' // URL is the only required property

The above is all you need to use the barebones shipper and have a information about clientside exceptions POST'd to the specified endpoint. The default shipper will not be created unless your explicitly invoke the .configure method.

Options for the default shipper

  • url required - An absolute or relative path to the location where the shipper will POST exceptions.
  • onSuccess - A callback to execute when a success POST of a exception takes place.
  • onError - A callback to execute when there is an error on POST'ing to the specified url.
  • data - An object that will be merged together with the exception data and be sent to the specified url, useful for sending app or user specific information. Note: you can also overwrite the properties set internally by the errorLogger.
  • method - Should you want to use anything other than POST for sending the exceptions.

Note: this options object is the one that is passed to Angular's internal $http, so you can pass it anything you can use there, like headers or cache etc. See more here:


Custom Shippers

If the above default shipper isn't flexible enough for you, you can add an arbitrary number of your own custom shippers to be invoked.

angular.module('myApp', []).service('myService', function (errorShipper) {
	errorShipper.use(function (payload) {
		// do something with payload
	errorShipper.use(function (payload) {
		// do something else with payload

The function(s) you pass to the use method will be invoked in the order it was added.

Each shipper will receive the same single argument, an Object containing all the information the error instrumentation produces. See Data format below for more details.

You will nots there's no callback passed from the error instrumenter, as these shippers are designed to be fire-and-forget.

Also, if configure is not called and use is then ONLY the custom shippers will be used.

The default shipper needs to be explicitly opt'ed into. It can be used with an arbitrary number of customer shippers however. When used with custom shippers the default shipper will always be executed first, even if configure is invoked AFTER use.

Data format

The data format is the following:

   exception : exception.toString(), // Generated by Angular
   stack : exception.stack.toString(), // Generated by Angular
   location : angular.toJson($window.location),
   cause : cause || null, // Generated by Angular
   performance : angular.toJson(window.performance) // If available



Run the tests using grunt:

grunt test


Always welcome, please unit test all your code.



#####0.1.0 - Initial release