2.2.1 • Published 8 years ago

angular-evaporate v2.2.1

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Last release
8 years ago


Reinforces the Evaporate library to allow Angular-specific usage along with all the native functionality plus additional features. Available injectables:

  1. Evaporate - native lib.

  2. AngularEvaporateException - dedicated exception handler.

  3. AngularEvaporateUpload - file upload handler:

    • calculates name, url, content type for a new upload,
    • calculates progress percent, speed and estimated time,
    • saves status updates with timestamps,
    • saves info, warning and error messages,
    • binds Evaporate's API to the upload id,
    • updates $scope on Evaporate's callbacks,
    • manages dependent states (e.g. pausing, paused, resumed - only one can be true),
    • adds meta states (e.g. stopped is when either completed, canceled or failed).
  4. AngularEvaporate - uploads queue handler (extends Evaporate):

    • manages uploads queue with an ability for every upload to be started later,
    • allows to specify a default config, which will be merged with every consequent upload's one,
    • allows to specify a custom naming function, where current instances of AngularEvaporateUpload and AngularEvaporate are available.
  5. angular-evaporate - directive:

    • lazy mode option - explicit uploading start,
    • same files uploading option - clean file input after every select.


  1. Install

    npm install --save angular-evaporate
  2. Include

    <script src="node_modules/angular-evaporate/lib/angular-evaporate.min.js"></script>
  3. Depend

    angular.module('yourApp', ['angular-evaporate']);


  1. Inject

    yourApp.controller('yourCtrl', ['$scope', 'AngularEvaporate',
      function ($scope, AngularEvaporate) {...}
  2. Init

    $scope.ae = new AngularEvaporate(...);

    AngularEvaporate extends Evaporate, so its constructor accepts the same arguments.

  3. Directive

    <div ng-controller="yourCtrl">
      <input type="file" multiple angular-evaporate="ae"/>


npm install && npm test


  1. Configure

    Follow the Evaporate's instructions to set up an S3 bucket, then accordingly update AngularEvaporate's constructor parameters in the example/index.js file and AWS_SECRET_KEY value in the example/server.js file.

  2. Run

    npm install && npm start
  3. Check

  4. Hint

    Always use server-side validation for incoming requests to the signerUrl, because in this simple example anyone could send you anything he wanted and just get it signed with your secret key.

AngularEvaporate class

Extends Evaporate, therefore accepts the same constructor arguments and provides the same functionality, but also introduces additional features. To not interfere with possible future versions, all added object keys start from the $ symbol.


$uploadsArrayessentialinstances of AngularEvaporateUpload
$applyFunctionrecommendedset this to your $scope.$apply.bind($scope) to update UI when needed
$configObjectoptionaldefault config for an upload (explicitly specified properties on a consequent call of $enqueue() or $add() will have higher priority)
$namerFunctionoptionalcustom upload naming function (instance of AngularEvaporateUpload as an input argument, instance of AngularEvaporate as this), default one just returns a filename
$speederFunctionoptionalcustom speedometer function (input: current speed in bytes/second, output: string in readable format, like '1.23 MB/s')
$urlStringcautiouscustom url of the bucket's root directory
$slothmodeBooleanoptional(directive) lazy mode option - explicit uploading start
$rinserepeatBooleanoptional(directive) same files uploading option - clean file input after every select


$enqueuesame as for Evaporate.add()AngularEvaporateUploadcreate an upload and append it to the queue
$dequeueAngularEvaporateUploadNumber - index in $uploadsremove an upload from the queue
$startAngularEvaporateUploadsame as from Evaporate.add()start uploading an already queued upload
$addsame as for Evaporate.add()same as from Evaporate.add()enqueue and start uploading immediately
$pauseAll,$resumeAllsame as for Evaporate[fn](undefined, ...), where fn is pause or resumesame as from Evaporate[fn](undefined, ...)

AngularEvaporateUpload class


nameStringoptionaldesired path from bucket's root directory
contentTypeStringoptionalMIME type
$idNumberread onlyresult of the Evaporate.add()
$urlStringread onlyfull url of the file when it's uploaded
$started,$paused,$resumed,$pausing,$cancelled,$complete,$info,$warn,$error,$progressNumberoptionalDate.now() of every Evaporate's callback fired
$stoppedNumberoptionalvalue of either $complete, $cancelled or $error
$infoMsg,$warnMsg,$errorMsgStringoptionalinput parameter of the corresponding callback
$percentNumberoptionalcurrent uploading progress
$secondsNumberoptionalestimated elapsed time
$speedStringoptionalaverage upload speed


$start-same as from Evaporate.add()
$pause,$resume,$cancelsame as for the corresponding Evaporate[fn](id, ...)same as from the corresponding Evaporate[fn](id, ...)