angular-hint-controllers v0.7.1
Angular Hint Controllers
This hinting module is part of the overall tool angular-hint that provides advice about AngularJS best practices. Loading this module will provide warnings specific to AngularJS controllers.
Install the angular-hint NPM module
and use ng-hint
or ng-hint-include="controllers"
enable angular-hint-controllers.
Further installation information is available on the main angular-hint repository.
Warns About Use of Global Controllers Global Controllers are Deprecated in Angular 1.3.0
Angular controllers should not be globally registered. They should be registered on modules. For instance:
angular.module('myApp', []).controller(function() {});
Hints About Best Practices for Controller Naming
Angular controller names should begin with a capital letter and end with -Controller.
angular.module('sampleApp', []).controller('SampleController', function() {});
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