0.2.6 • Published 9 years ago

angular-ivh-multi-select v0.2.6

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Last release
9 years ago


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An elegant and efficient multi select for AngularJS apps.

IVH Mutli Select aims to provide a robust mutliselect component while keeping a careful eye on performance and minizing watch counts. While collapsed IVH Multi Select will create just ~10 watchers, and only ~40 while expanded.

Note that IVH Multi Select assumes Bootstrap 3 styles.


Install with bower:

bower install --save angular-ivh-multi-select


Add this module as a dependency to your app:

angular.module('myApp', ['ivh.multiSelect']);

At a minimum you must provide a collection of items to select from:

<div ivh-multi-select
  Choose some items!

IVH Multi Select will display a button that when clicked shows a menu of items to select complete with checkboxes and pagination if availabe.

We're using the selection-model component to manage selections internally. You can configure this directive's behavior by working with the selectionModelOptionsProvider. Inline selection-model-* attributes will also be forwarded to the underlying selection model:

<div ivh-multi-select
  Choose some items!
### Pagination

In keeping with our focus on performance, IVH Multi Select will paginate your
lists if you happen to have the [ivh.pager][pager] module included as a

This is not a hard dependency, if you do not include IVH Pager your lists will
be displayed in full.

## Testing

Use `npm test` to run the full suite of linting, style checks, and unit tests.

Or, run each individually:

- Use `grunt jshint` for linting
- Use `grunt jscs` for coding style checks
- Use `grunt jasmine` to unit tests

For ease of development the `grunt watch` task will run each of the above as
needed when you make changes to source files.

## Changelog

2015-10-08 v0.2.0 Forward options to selection model
2015-10-07 v0.1.0 Initial release

## License


[sm]: https://github.com/jtrussell/angular-selection-model
[sm-opt]: https://github.com/jtrussell/angular-selection-model#the-selectionmodeloptionsprovider
[pager]: https://github.com/ivantage/angular-ivh-pager