1.0.4 • Published 7 years ago

angular-json-rest-service v1.0.4

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7 years ago


This package provides a simple Angular 2 service JsonRestService, which is a wrapper of @angular/http/Http.

JsonRestService expects the remote HTTP service to be a ReST service taking and returning JSON with the usual semantics. JsonRestService will hydrate records it pulls off the wire into a user defined class implementing ActiveRecord. Model implements a very basic ActiveRecord you can use as a base and extend.

JsonRestService is generic like this: JsonRestService<T extends ActiveRecord>. In order to dynamically create instances of type T (for get(), and find()), the JsonRestService constructor also requires an instance of ActiveRecordFactory<T>.


import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Http } from '@angular/http';
import 'angular-json-rest-service/rxjs-extensions';
import { JsonRestService, ActiveRecordFactory } from 'angular-json-rest-service/json-rest.service';
// Base implementations of ActiveRecord / ActiveRecordFactory interfaces.
import { Model } from 'angular-json-rest-service/model';

class Hero extends Model {
  name: string;
  power(): number {
    return 69;

class HeroFactory extends ActiveRecordFactory<Hero>
  create(object: Object, storage: JsonRestService<Hero>): Hero {
    var model = new Hero(storage)
    return model;

    selector: 'my-app',
    template: `<h1>Hello {{hero.name}}. Your power is {{hero.power()}}</h1>`
export class AppComponent {
  hero: Hero;
  constructor(private http:Http) {
    var myService = new JsonRestService<Model>(
      new HeroFactory()
    this.hero = new Hero(myService)
    myService.find().toPromise().then((m: Hero[]) => {
      this.hero = m[0];
      console.log(m.map(n => n.toJson()))