0.1.1 • Published 10 years ago

angular-meetup v0.1.1

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10 years ago


This component should be use to access a project using Oauth2 through of Meetup.com API. With this component is possible show data of logged member, groups, events and RSVP.

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To install witn Bower:

$ bower install angular-meetup --save-dev


To use this component is necessary loading the components below:

  • angular-sanitize
  • angular-resource

Oauth login

It's a directive that can be used to login in some website or project to use user data from Meetup.com API to access it. This directive will wrap the HTML code that will be clicked to call another window to confirm the use of Meetup.com access data to navigate in website or project that using the component as client.

------ template ------
    Connect in Meetup.com API

Is possible to inform a function to Oauth directive that will be called, as a callback, after access in Meetup.com be confirmed. This function will receive two parameters:

  • token - is a token to access others data in Meetup.com API. It can be use to control the access in website or project;
  • expiresIn - is an expiration time of token that was received after login or authorization in Meetup.com API;
----- callback in a controller, for example ------
$scope.refresh = function(token, expiresIn){
    $scope.token = token;
    $scope.expiresIn = expiresIn;

------ template ------
<rm-meetup-oauth refresh-token="refresh(token, expiresIn)">
    Connect in Meetup.com API

To can access Meetup.com API is necessary have a key and a return address. To see informations about how create key and inform the return address to Meetup.com API, please, visit this website http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/auth/#oauth2. To inform the key and address of return in this component is necessary to set the data in a provider when start the module of app.

var app = angular.module('myApp', ['rmMeetup'])
            function(rmConsumerProvider) {

Oauth service

It's a service to get data from Oauth after be authorized in Meetup.com API. This service will return token of access and expiration time.

app.controller("MeetupController", ['$scope', 'rmMeetupOauthService', meetupController]);

function meetupController($scope, rmMeetupOauthService){
    $scope.refreshOauthAccess = function(){
        var oauthAccess = rmMeetupOauthService.getOauthAccess();

        $scope.token = oauthAccess.tokenAccess;
        $scope.expiresIn = oauthAccess.expiresIn;

Members service

It's a service to get data from member logged on Meetup.com API. This service should receive the access token returned by Oauth directive or service and will return data from member logged. The details about data returned is avaliable in address http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/docs/2/members/.

app.controller("MeetupController", ['$scope', 'rmMeetupMembersService', meetupController]);

function meetupController($scope, rmMeetupMembersService){
    $scope.getMember = function(token){
            $scope.member = member;

Groups service

It's a service to get data from groups that exist in Meetup.com. This service has three options to find data that will be descripted bellow. The details about data returned is avaliable in address http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/docs/2/groups/.

  • Filter the group by ID - inform the access token and the group id. This service will return data from group which the ID was informed.
app.controller("MeetupController", ['$scope', 'rmMeetupMembersService', meetupController]);

function meetupController($scope, rmMeetupGroupService){
    $scope.getGroup = function(token, id){
        rmMeetupGroupService.getById(token, id).then(function(group){
            $scope.group = group;
  • Filter the group by topic - inform the access token and the topic. This service will return a list of groups that has this topic listed in its topics list.
app.controller("MeetupController", ['$scope', 'rmMeetupMembersService', meetupController]);

function meetupController($scope, rmMeetupGroupService){
    $scope.getGroups = function(token){
        rmMeetupGroupService.getByTopic(token, 'AngularJS').then(function(groups){
            $scope.groups = groups;
  • Filter the group by parameters - inform the access token and all parameters that is possible filter a group on Meetup.com API. This service is more flexible, because the users can create the filter according to their necessities and it will return a list of groups. The parameters is a JSON object that will accept all parameters informed in Meetup.com API page in address http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/docs/2/groups/.
app.controller("MeetupController", ['$scope', 'rmMeetupMembersService', meetupController]);

function meetupController($scope, rmMeetupGroupService){
    $scope.getGroups = function(token){
        var parameters = {
            'member_id': 65760712,
            'topic': 'AngularJS'
        rmMeetupGroupService.get(token, parameters).then(function(groups){
            $scope.groups = groups;

Events service

It's a service to get data from events that exist in Meetup.com. This service has three options to find data that will be descripted bellow. The details about data returned is avaliable in address http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/docs/2/events/.

  • Filter the event by ID - inform the access token and the event id. This service will return data from event which the ID was informed.
app.controller("MeetupController", ['$scope', 'rmMeetupEventsService', meetupController]);

function meetupController($scope, rmMeetupEventsService){
    $scope.getEvent = function(token, id){
        rmMeetupEventsService.getByEventId(token, id).then(function(event){
            $scope.event = event;
  • Filter the event by group id - inform the access token and the group id. This service will return a list of events that exist in group informed. Is possible inform the status of event that should be filtered. There are four options of status that could be informed:
    • upcoming
    • past
    • proposed
    • suggested The status should be informed in a string where each one should be separate with comma. If none status is informed then the service will filter for all.
app.controller("MeetupController", ['$scope', 'rmMeetupEventsService', meetupController]);

function meetupController($scope, rmMeetupEventsService){
    $scope.getEvents = function(token, groupId){
        var status = 'upcoming';
        rmMeetupEventsService.getByGroupId(token, groupId).then(function(events){
            $scope.events = events;
  • Filter the event by parameters - inform the access token and all parameters that is possible filter a event on Meetup.com API. This service is more flexible, because the users can create the filter according to their necessities and it will return a list of events. The parameters is a JSON object that will accept all parameters informed in Meetup.com API page in address http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/docs/2/events/.
app.controller("MeetupController", ['$scope', 'rmMeetupEventsService', meetupController]);

function meetupController($scope, rmMeetupEventsService){
    $scope.getEvents = function(token){
        var parameters = {
            'member_id': 63450718,
            'status': 'upcoming'
        rmMeetupEventsService.get(token, parameters).then(function(events){
            $scope.events = events;

RSVPs service

It's a service to get data from RSVPs that exist in Meetup.com from exactly event. The details about data returned is avaliable in address http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/docs/2/rsvps/.

  • Filter the RSVPs by event ID - inform the access token and the event ID. This service will return data from RSVPs to according to the event ID was informed.
app.controller("MeetupController", ['$scope', 'rmMeetupRSVPsService', meetupController]);

function meetupController($scope, rmMeetupRSVPsService){
    $scope.getRSVPs = function(token, eventId){
        rmMeetupRSVPsService.getByEventId(token, eventId).then(function(rsvps){
            $scope.rsvps = rsvps;

Groups directive

It's a directive to to present groups that exist in Meetup.com. The directive can present the data of groups in format of list or table. To use this directive is necessary inform the access token and one form to find the groups data. The form of filter data of group is the same used in groups service using group ID, topic or parameters. Go to Groups services to see details about how work with these filters.

    topic = 'AngularJS'

There some parameters that could be informed to configure the group directive.

  • type -> the type parameter is used to inform how data will be presented. There are two possible options: list and table. The standard is list. When type is equal a list then the directive will present a list of groups showing the name of each one. When the type is equal a table then the directive will present a table with data of groups with two columns where the first one will be the group ID and the last one will be the name of group.
  • fields -> the fields parameter is used together with type parameter when this is equal a table. In this case the user can choose how fields will be presented in table, informing each field in fields parameter. The fields that are acceptable are detailed in address http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/docs/2/groups/ in response section.
  • Styling the table When the type of presentation is a table is possible change the style using some CSS classes.

    • groupHeaderLine -> is the line of header in table;
    • Label -> each column in line of header. The class is the name of the field with Label word. For example, if field is "name" then the class is "nameLabel";
    • groupBodyLine -> is the line of body in table;
    • Value -> each column in line of body. The class is the name of the field with word Value. For example, if field is "name" then the class is "nameValue";

Events directive

It's a directive to to present events that exist in Meetup.com. The directive can present the data of events in format of list or table. To use this directive is necessary inform the access token and one form to find the events data. The form of filter data of event is the same used in events service using group ID, event ID or parameters. Go to Events services to see details about how work with these filters.

    event-id = '220273617'

There some parameters that could be informed to configure the event directive.

  • type -> the type parameter is used to inform how data will be presented. There are two possible options: list and table. The standard is list. When type is equal a list then the directive will present a list of events showing the name of each one. When the type is equal a table then the directive will present a table with data of events with two columns where the first one will be the event ID and the last one will be the name of event.
  • fields -> the fields parameter is used together with type parameter when this is equal a table. In this case the user can choose how fields will be presented in table, informing each field in fields parameter. The fields that are acceptable are detailed in address http://www.meetup.com/meetup_api/docs/2/events/ in response section.
  • Styling the table When the type of presentation is a table is possible change the style using some CSS classes.

    • eventHeaderLine -> is the line of header in table;
    • Label -> each column in line of header. The class is the name of the field with Label word. For example, if field is "name" then the class is "nameLabel";
    • eventBodyLine -> is the line of body in table;
    • Value -> each column in line of body. The class is the name of the field with word Value. For example, if field is "name" then the class is "nameValue";