0.0.0 • Published 4 years ago

angular-monorepo-packages-test v0.0.0

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4 years ago

Angular Monorepo Packages Test

This repository exists to demonstrate setting up Lerna and providing contribution guidelines for projects using Lerna.

  1. Setup Lerna
  2. Contributing Guidelines

Important links:

1. Setup with Lerna

For more information on Lerna, read up on their source repo docs: https://github.com/lerna/lerna

  1. Setup with Lerna
    1. Init Lerna
    2. Modify lerna.json
    3. Modify package.json
    4. Modify each project's package.json
    5. Modify each project's ng-package.json/ng-package.prod.json

1.i. Init Lerna

Run npx lerna init within the main project directory (not 'projects').

1.ii. Modify lerna.json

Use the following for the lerna.json file. These configurations can be modified as needed.

  "packages": [
  "command": {
    "publish": {
      "contents": "dist",
      "conventional-commits": true
    "version": {
      "message": "chore(release): publish %s",
      "conventional-commits": true,
      "push": false
    "bootstrap": {
      "npmClientArgs": ["--no-package-lock"]
  "version": "independent"

1.iii. Modify package.json

Add the following scripts to the package.json

"lerna-version": "lerna version --yes --conventional-commits",

"postversion": "lerna run build",

The following are unnecessary within TFS/Azure DevOps at present:

"lerna-publish": "lerna publish --yes --conventional-commits",

"prepublish": "lerna run build",

1.iv. Modify each project's package.json

Modify name for scope

If using scoping for the project names, change the name to include the scope:

Before: "name": "my-project"

After: "name": "@my-scope/my-project"

Add build script

Add the following script to the package.json

    "scripts": {
        "build": "ng build my-project --prod"

1.v. Modify each project's ng-package.json/ng-package.prod.json

Modify the dest property in ng-package.json and ng-package.prod.json to

    "dest": "./dist",

2. Contributing Guidelines

For more details on the git commit guidelines and their source, check out: https://github.com/angular/angular.js/blob/master/DEVELOPERS.md#-git-commit-guidelines