3.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

angular-overlay-manager v3.0.0

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5 years ago

Angular Overlay Manager

Angular Overlay Manager is an Angular Library project that is intended to be a simple wrapper around arbitrary Angular components that allows you to easily display said components as overlays on the screen while interacting with them in an Angular way.


Angular Overlay Manager uses Angular version 7.2.6. While it has not been explicitly tested on other versions it should work on 7.x versions of Angular.

The library uses CSS flexbox for positioning elements on the screen and CSS transitions for animating elements on and off the screen. Thus it will not work anywhere that these technologies are unavailable.


To see a live demo vist the demo application located at https://iceflyer3.github.io/angular-overlay-manager/

Installation instructions

The library may be installed via NPM.

npm install angular-overlay-manager

Configuring a component for use as an overlay

An overlay component must set the ID attribute of the top level element of the HTML template to "aom-overlay". The component must also apply the aom-content class on the "body" element of the overlay (the element which contains the content of the overlay).

For example, if you wanted a bootstrap style modal dialog the html in the template of your component would look like this.

<div class="modal" id="aom-overlay">
  <div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
    <div class="modal-content aom-content">
      <div class="modal-header">
      <div class="modal-body">
      <div class="modal-footer">

You must also add the component to the entryComponents array of your NgModule.

  entryComponents: [YourOverlayComponent, ...]
export class YourAppModule {

The library does not apply any styles to overlay components other than those needed to ensure the overlay is not hidden, animate the overlay on and off the screen, place it in the desired location, and apply the needed margin for the desired overlay type as indicated by the specified configurations.

It makes no efforts to make sure the component is properly styled as an overlay or that it is mobile friendly with different screen sizes. Handling the aesthetics, mobile friendliness, etc... is up to you.

Basic use

Add the import for the AngularOverlayManagerModule and then add it to the imports array of your NgModule. Additionally, add any components you want to use as an overlay to the entryComponents array.

import {AngularOverlayManagerModule} from 'angular-overlay-manager';

  imports: [AngularOverlayManagerModule, ...],
  entryComponents: [YourOverlayComponent, ...]
export class YourAppModule {

Import the AngularOverlayManagerService, the overlay configuration classes, and the enums that contain the configuration options into the component that will open the overlay.

import { 
  OverlayType } from 'angular-overlay-manager';

export class YourComponent {
    constructor(private overlayManager: AngularOverlayManagerService) { 

Configure the overlay options and then call open(ComponentType, OverlayConfig, OverlayAnimationConfig) on the AngularOverlayManagerService passing in the type of the desired component, the OverlayConfig, and the OverlayAnimationConfig


let overlayConfig: AomOverlayConfig = {
      type: OverlayType.Modal,
      useScrimBackground: true,
      shouldCloseOnBackgroundClick: true;

let overlayAnimationConfig: AomOverlayAnimationConfig = {
    location: OverlayLocation.TopLeft,
    animation: OverlayAnimation.Slide,
    animationStartPoint: OverlayAnimationStartPoint.Left,

this.overlayManager.open(YourOverlayComponent, overlayConfig, overlayAnimationConfig);


The overlay is closed by calling the close() or cancel() functions on the AomOverlay instance that is injected into the dynamically created component of the type you specified in the call to overlayManager.open(...)

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { AomOverlay } from 'angular-overlay-manager';

export class YourOverlayComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private overlay: AomOverlay)  { 




For some overlays it is useful to be able to forcibly cancel the overlay. For example, if the overlay is one that the user will not interact with or if you need to display another overlay before the user has closed the already open one. This is a common situation with Material Design style snackbars that are often used for informational purposes and may not always support user interaction.

There is a forceCancel() function on the AomOverlayRef instance that covers exactly this scenario.

import { AngularOverlayManagerService, AomOverlayRef, ... } from 'angular-overlay-manager';

export class YourComponent {
    constructor(private overlayManager: AngularOverlayManagerService) { 

    public openOverlay(){
        let aomOverlayRef: AomOverlayRef = this.overlayManager.open(YourOverlayComponent, this.overlayConfig, this.overlayAnimationConfig);


Passing data to the overlay

If you have some data that you would like pass to the overlay then you'll need to set it on the data property of the OverlayConfig before you open the overlay.


let sampleData = 'Hello world!';

let overlayConfig: AomOverlayConfig = {
      data: sampleData;
      useScrimBackground: true,
      shouldCloseOnBackgroundClick: true;


This makes the data available via dependency injection for your overlay component. In your overlay component you'll need to inject the data using the OVERLAY_DATA injection token.

import { Component, Inject, ... } from '@angular/core';
import { AomOverlay, OVERLAY_DATA } from 'angular-overlay-manager';

export class YourOverlayComponent implements OnInit {

  constructor(private overlay: AomOverlay, @Inject(OVERLAY_DATA) private data: any)  { 


Passing data back when the overlay is closed

If you would like to pass some data back from the overlay when it is closed then call the close(data) variant of the AomOverlay's close function. This makes the data available in the onClose event of the AomOverlayRef.

import { Component, ... } from '@angular/core';
import { AomOverlay } from 'angular-overlay-manager';

export class YourOverlayComponent implements OnInit {

  private componentData: any;
  constructor(private overlay: AomOverlay)  { 




Listening to the overlay close event

If you wish to know when the overlay has closed the library exposes an onClose event that you may listen for.

Calls to open(...) on the overlay service will return an AomOverlayRef instance which exposes an onClose() function that returns a Promise that you may use to be notified of when the overlay has closed.

import { AngularOverlayManagerService, AomOverlayRef, ... } from 'angular-overlay-manager';

export class YourComponent {
    constructor(private overlayManager: AngularOverlayManagerService) { 

    public openOverlay(){
        let overlayRef: AomOverlayRef = this.overlayManager.open(YourOverlayComponent, this.overlayConfig, this.overlayAnimationConfig);

        overlayRef.onClose().then((data) => {

The Promise returned by onClose() will pass back any data that was passed to the close(data) function of the AomOverlay. Calls to the cancel() function of the AomOverlay, the forceCancel() function of the AomOverlayRef, or clicks on the background to close the overlay (when the scrim is being used) will never return any data.

Opening nested overlays

This library does not support opening nested overlays. There are not currently any plans to add support for this feature.

If you attempt to open an overlay while there is already an open overlay you will receive an error via an alert dialog stating that you must first close the already open overlay.


We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details


This project was inspired by the approach taken by both Angular Material and ng-bootstrap


5 years ago


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5 years ago