1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

angular-simple-focus-on v1.0.0

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6 years ago

angularJS module - simple-focus-on

AngularJS directive and service to simplify the focus event with AngularJS framework.

1. Installation

1.1. Download the module:

~$ npm install --save angular-simple-focus-on

1.2. Import the module from your HTML:

<script src="node_modules/angular-simple-focus-on/src/module.simple-focus-on.js"></script>

2. Usage

2.1. Import the module from your AngularJS app:

var app = angular.module("YourApplication", ["SimpleFocusOn"]);

2.2. Import the service from your AngularJS controller:

app.controller("YourController", ["SimpleFocusOnService", function(SimpleFocusOnService) {
 this.focus = SimpleFocusOnService.focus;

2.3. Assign a simple-focus-on-id (string) attribute to the tag that you want to receive the focus:

<input simple-focus-on-id="'some unique id'" type="text" />

2.4. Call the SimpleFocusOnService.focus('some unique id') method somewhere. For example, in a ng-click event:

<button ng-click="YourController.focus('some unique id');" type="button">Focus on some input</button>

And that is all. When you click to this button, the event will automatically put the focus on the input event.

3. API Reference

3.1. The SimpleFocusOn AngularJS module.

The SimpleFocusOn is the AngularJS module that contains all the API of this module. You will need to import it from your AngularJS application to use it.

Import it from your app like:

var app = angular.module("YourApp", ["SimpleFocusOn"]);

3.2. The simpleFocusOnId attribute directive


<tag simple-focus-on-id="'identifier'"></tag>


The simple-focus-on-id HTML attribute can assign to an element a unique SimpleFocusOn identifier.

This is the way that the module has to know to which element the event SimpleFocusOnService.focus(~) must trigger the $element.focus() event.

This HTML attribute is attached to the directive scope through "=", which means that you can pass variables, strings, method calls, or even concatenate them.

To pass a literal string, you need to put the quotes.

For example, to concatenate a literal with a dynamic index (of an ng-repeat loop, for example), we could write:

<textarea simple-focus-on-id="'id-number-' + yourIndex"></textarea>

3.3. The SimpleFocusOnService service


app.controller("YourController", ["SimpleFocusOnService", function(SimpleFocusOnService) {
 this.focus = SimpleFocusOnService.focus;
 SimpleFocusOnService.focus("Unique ID");


The line this.focus = SimpleFocusOnService.focus is for making the focus method of the service available from your HTML through the controller YourController,but this is totally optional.

The line SimpleFocusOnService.focus("Unique ID") triggers the focus for the element that has assigned <* simple-focus-on-id="'Unique ID'"></*>.

4. Tests

There are no tests for this small utility. However, if you open /test/index.html from your browser, you should be able to see a very simple example of the module working.

5. Conclusion

This is a very simple tool, but can be very useful. Use it freely.