1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

angular-skitter v1.0.2

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7 years ago


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Angular skitter is a responsive and customizable image gallery. The library is extremely flexible, built on top skitter.js . angular skitter is no more than a wrapper , expose all the functionality of skitter.js inside an angular component.

A simple directive along with a configuration object and you're ready to go


bower install angular-skitter --save

npm install angular-skitter --save

import the script in your html:

<link type="text/css" href="/bower_components/skitter-slideshow/dist/skitter.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/jquery.easing/js/jquery.easing.min.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/skitter-slideshow/dist/jquery.skitter.min.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/angular-skitter/dist/skitter.min.js"></script>

and the module as a dependency

angular.module('myApp', ['skitter']);


Use angular skitter is pretty straight forward.

just decorate your html with the directive passing an option object that represents the configuration applied to the gallery.

<ng-skitter items="photos" options="skitterOption"></ng-skitter>

Below a valid configuration, only src is required for each slide, the others are optional

$scope.photos = [
        src: 'https://skitterp-4b51.kxcdn.com/images/mountains/3-sand-mountain-clouds.jpg',
        title: 'Title 1',
        description: 'Description 1',
        url: 'http://www.google.com'
        src: 'https://skitterp-4b51.kxcdn.com/images/mountains/4-landscape-with-tree-hills-and-lake.jpg',
        title: 'Title 2',
        description: 'Description 2',
        url: 'http://www.facebook.com'
$scope.skitterOption = {
    auto_play: false,
    theme: "clean",
    navigation: true,
    animation: "cubeShow",
    dots: true

The list of available configurations are here: official skitter documentation


Angular skitter let the user decide how to customize the gallery, by defining a custom html to add a title, description and if necessary a custom css

the content can be added inside the directive and will be transcluded at runtime. available in the scope of the content will be the item the $index.

<ng-skitter items="photos" options="skitterOption">
    <!-- this spot is free to be customized as you want-->
    <p><strong>#{{$index}} {{item.title}}</strong></p>


if necessary is available a SkitterService that allow to set a default configuration valid for each instance of the ng-skitter directive inside the application.

.controller('MyCtrl', function(SkitterService){
  SkitterService.setOptions({animation: "cubeShow"});

In this scenario:

<ng-skitter items="photos" options="skitterOption"></ng-skitter>

skitterOption will extend the base options



Available animations

Skitter has 38 different animations: 'cube', 'cubeRandom', 'block', 'cubeStop', 'cubeStopRandom', 'cubeHide', 'cubeSize', 'horizontal', 'showBars', 'showBarsRandom', 'tube', 'fade', 'fadeFour', 'paralell', 'blind', 'blindHeight', 'blindWidth', 'directionTop', 'directionBottom', 'directionRight', 'directionLeft', 'cubeSpread', 'glassCube', 'glassBlock', 'circles', 'circlesInside', 'circlesRotate', 'cubeShow', 'upBars', 'downBars', 'hideBars', 'swapBars', 'swapBarsBack', 'swapBlocks', 'cut'


credit to @Thiago for skitter.js