1.0.1 • Published 30 days ago

angular-syntax-formatter v1.0.1

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30 days ago

Prettier Angular Modifiers Plugin

This is a custom Prettier plugin for formatting Angular code by adding public/private modifiers and return types to functions and variables.


To use this plugin in your Angular project, follow these steps:

  1. Install Prettier and the plugin as dependencies:

    npm install angular-syntax-formatter
    npm install prettier @babel/parser @babel/traverse @babel/generator --save-dev
  2. Create a prettier.config.js file in the root directory of your project:

    // prettier.config.js
    module.exports = {
      plugins: ["angular-syntax-formatter"],
      parser: "typescript"


Once you've installed the plugin and configured Prettier, you can format your Angular code using Prettier as usual. For example:

npx prettier --write src/**/*.ts

This command formats all TypeScript files (*.ts) in the src directory and its subdirectories.


  • Adds public/private modifiers to functions and variables
  • Adds return types to functions and variables


Before formatting:

// Before formatting
class Example {

   bar() {
    return 42;

After formatting:

// After formatting
class Example {
  public foo: string;

  private bar(): number {
    return 42;

Support and Contribution

If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to open an issue on GitHub.

Pull requests are also welcome!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.