1.2.2 • Published 8 years ago

angular-ui-chat v1.2.2

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Last release
8 years ago



A small library for making a custom chatroom. This addon is purely front-end so how you send data to it is up to you.



Angular 1.x


npm install angular-ui-chat --save

Feature Roadmap

  • Basic functionality (plain text)
  • User Message Callback
  • Curse Word Filters
  • Emoticons
  • Mobile Friendly
  • User Images
  • Collapsable user name list
  • Private Messages
  • Admin abilities
  • Parse on key up Emoticons/PM/Mention
  • HTML - bold
  • HTML - underline
  • HTML - italics
  • HTML - links
  • HTML - size increase
  • HTML - images
  • User Settings
  • Custom User Levels
  • Themes


  1. run npm install angular-ui-chat
  2. include the .min.js and the .min.css file from the dist/ folder in your project.
  3. Add 'ui-chat' to your angular dependencies
  4. Add to your html

      <ui-chat chatoptions="uiChatOptions" chatmessage="messageCallbackFunction" chattyping="isTypingCallbackFunction" chatprivatemessage="chatPrivateMessageCallbackFunction" chatmessagedelete="messageDeleteCallbackFunction"></ui-chat>
  5. In your controller create an optionsObject and a message callback function (DO NOT include parenthesis () in the html!)

      $scope.uiChatOptions = {
        //'left' or 'right'; defaults to right
        usersListSide: 'right',
        //if set to twa, the cha t will filter for twemoji awesome
        emoji: 'twa',
        curseFilter: true,
        //start this will parse items in the input box on key up
        mentionParse: true,
        emojiParse: true,
        pmParse: true,
        //object to enable html input / false to disable
        html: {
          italicize: true,
          bold: true,
          underline: true
        //end input box filters
        defaultCurseReplacer: '$|^&!',
        users: [arrayOfUsersInChat],
        user: {userObject},
        userFeedback: {
          message: 'soandso is typing a message',
        messages: [messagesFromUsersInChat]
      $scope.messageCallbackFunction = function(messageObject){
        //process message here whenever message received
        //you can also alter the message here and return the change
        return messageObject;
      $scope.isTypingCallbackFunction = function(lengthOfCharacters){
        //process is activity here for user is typing...
      $scope.chatPrivateMessageCallbackFunction = function(messageObject, userObject){
        //process message here whenever a private message is sent from the client user
        //you can also alter the message here and return the change
        return messageObject;
      $scope.messageDeleteCallbackFunction = function(messageObject){
        //call for when an admin wants to delete a message
  6. Each array is an array of objects, the following should be contained in each. User is an object of the user that is the owner of the chat instance. For security reasons it is not recommended to include user email addresses in calls related to chat functionality, this would leave anyone in the live chat open to having their emails scraped by a bot.

      var arrayOfUsersInChat = [userObject, userObject];
      var messagesFromUsersInChat = [];
        //the same userobject as listed below.
        user: {userObject},
        //the message sent
        message: 'message sent by user',
        id: 'unique id(optional)',
        //time of the messages
        time: new Date().getHours() + ':' + new Date().getMinutes() + ':' + new Date().getSeconds();
        //if it is a private message
        private: {
          //who our client is having a conversation with
          user: userObject,
          //if the message is from the client to private user
          from: true,
          //if the message is to the client from private user
          to: true,
      var userObject = {};
      userObject = {
        username: 'what to display',
        id: 'unique id(optional)',
        image: 'an image for the user',
        //if you want to use gravatar you should generate the links server side and pass it into this image field
        admin: false, // or true if they are a chat admin,
        //use left or right to display which side the users image should be on
        side: 'left'


npm test


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Lint and test your code. To build use grunt dist. To develop use grunt dev. Use a different branch and send a pull request to contribute.


This project is sponsered by ITProTV

Release History



8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago