0.1.0-beta.6 • Published 8 years ago

angular2-tabs v0.1.0-beta.6

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Simple to use Tab option for Angular2


Github only contains the source code for this project, to get the transpiled code for use in your project you will need to install it from npm.

Simply use the following command:

npm install angular2-tabs --save



<an-tablist #list="anTabList" anListClass="diff-class"></an-tablist>
<an-tabs [anList]="list">
    <div *anTabDefault="tabOne">
        The Contents of Tab one
        <div anNextTab="hello">Next</div>
    <div *anTab="'hello'">
        The Contents of Tab Two
        <div [anNextTab]="tabOne"></div>


import {ANGULAR_TABS_DIRECTIVES, TabInterface} from "angular2-tabs/core";

export class IndexComponent {
    tabOne: TabInterface = {id: "test", title: 'test Title', canActivate: () => {return true;}}

Explanation (html)


The location of the TabList, this can be anywhere on the page. A local variable needs to be set, in this case #list. The name of anTabList is used.


The location that the Tabs are going to displayed. Only one will be displayed at a time.


A Template that contains the html that will be displayed when this tab is open.


The default tab to be displayed. The last default tab that can be displayed (using canActivate) will be displayed when the tabs are loaded.


Directive to allow a "next" button to a Tab, must be placed within a tab. Takes either the id name as a string, or takes the TabInterface object used to create the Tab.

Explanation (Controller)

Tab Object

In this case tabOne is used to be pass information to the first tab. Property title is the title of the tab, and will be displayed in the tabList. The canActivate property is a function used to determine if a tab can be displayed.


You will need to customize the list using your own CSS. The list will recieve either an-tablist or a custom class name defined with anListClass.

an-active / an-inactive

(added to Tab-list only only) These classes are added to the li.

an-canactivate / an-cantactivate

(added to both Tab-list and anNextTab tags) These classes are added to the li based on if the tab can be activated based on the canActivate function passed in.


To contribute, please fork this repository, then clone your repository. Once cloned feel free to make any changes you like.

When you clone the repository, you will only recieve the Typescript files, typings and tsconfig. There is no testing included, as this is pretty simple.


A Special thanks to those at Angular2 for creating angular2.