angulator v1.0.0
An angular plugin to validate forms using annotation on model.
How to use it
1- Import dependency
npm i --save angulator
2- Samples
See demo folder! Or run npm test
Import module
import {
} from "angulator";
declarations: [
imports: [
bootstrap: []
export class AppModule {
Annotate model
import {
MinLength, MaxLength, EnabledIf, MaxLengthIf, DisabledIf, Capitalize,
RequiredIf, Required, RequiredTrue, Length, IsEqual, Min, Max,
MinDate, MaxDate, MinArray, MaxArray, Range, Pattern,
IsIP, Digits, DateIso, IsEmail, IsDate, IsUrl, IsNumber,
DateGt, DateLt, Phone, Unaccent, ReadOnly, DateLimit
} from "angulator";
export class User {
@MinLength(5) @MaxLength(10) name: string;
hasBrother: boolean;
age: number;
sexe: string;
happy: string;
colors = [];
@RequiredIf("hasBrother", true) brother: string;
@Required() required: string;
@RequiredTrue() requiredTrue: boolean;
requiredDep: boolean;
@RequiredIf("requiredDep") requiredIf: string;
enabledDep: boolean;
@EnabledIf("enabledDep") enabledIf: string;
disabledDep: boolean;
@DisabledIf("disabledDep") disabledIf: string;
maxLengthDep: string;
@MaxLengthIf("maxLengthDep", 30, " ") maxLengthIf: string;
@Unaccent() unaccent: string;
@Capitalize() captitalize: string;
@ReadOnly() readonly: string;
@MinLength(5) minlength: string;
@MaxLength(5) maxlength: string;
@Length(5) length: string;
@IsEqual(5) isequal: number;
@Min(5) min: number;
@Max(5) max: number;
@MinDate(DateLimit.Today) minDate: Date;
@MaxDate(DateLimit.Today) maxDate: Date;
@MinArray(5) minArray: number[] = [];
@MaxArray(5) maxArray: number[] = [];
@Range(2, 4) range: number;
@Pattern(/d+/) pattern: string;
@IsIP() isip: string;
@Digits() digits: string;
@DateIso() dateiso: string;
@IsEmail() isemail: string;
@IsDate() isdate: Date;
@IsUrl() isurl: string;
@IsNumber() isnumber: number;
dategtDep: Date;
@DateGt("dategtDep") dategt: Date;
dateltDep: Date;
@DateLt("dateltDep") datelt: Date;
@Phone() isphone: string;
Add the directive on template
<div [nbGroup]="user" ngForm>
<div >
<input type="text" nbModel="name" class="name" (nbModelChange)="changed()" />
Has brother:
<input type="checkbox" nbModel="hasBrother" class="hasBrother" (nbModelChange)="changedCheck()" />
<input type="text" nbModel="brother" class="brother" />
<input type="number" nbModel="age" class="age" (nbModelChange)="changedNum()" />
<input type="radio" nbModel="sexe" class="girl" value="girl" (nbModelChange)="changedRadio()" />
<input type="radio" nbModel="sexe" class="boy" value="boy" (nbModelChange)="changedRadio()" />
<select nbModel="happy" class="happy" (nbModelChange)="changedSelect()">
<option value="yes" class="yes">YES</option>
<option value="no" class="no">NO</option>
<select multiple nbModel="colors" class="colors" (nbModelChange)="changedSelect()">
<option value="blue" class="blue">blue</option>
<option value="yellow" class="yellow">yellow</option>
<option value="green" class="green">green</option>
How does it works?
This module provide two directives "nbGroup" and "nbModel". These directives extends "ngModel" and add some validators automatically. "nbModel" manage a state that let accessor listen and modify the DOM if needed. For example @MaxLength change the state of the model and the default accessor will add a property "maxLength" on the DOM.
List of annotation
MinLength, MaxLength, Length
Accept an integer as parameter. It validates that the input field (string) has a length greater (or smaller) than the value provide as parameter. It also add an attribute "maxLength" (or "minLength") to the DOM element.
EnabledIf, DisabledIf
Accept a string or an array of string (dependencies) as parameter. The field is disabled or enabled according to the dependencies. Dependencies are others fields that we need to listen in order to update the state of the model. For exemple: a checkbox "hasName" could enable or disable the field "name". So "name" will be annoted by @EnabledIf("hasName")
Accept a string or an array of string (dependencies) as parameter and an integer (maxLength) The maxlength of the field is computed according to dependencies fields. For example, you could have a phone number with a maxlength of 10 and another field prefix. If prefix is filled, maxlength of phone is: maxlength-length(prefix).
It automatically capitalize the input while typing
The field is required or not according to the dependencies. Dependencies are others fields that we need to listen in order to update the state of the model. For exemple: a checkbox "isRequired" could force the field "name".
The field is required
Apply to a checkbox. The checkbox must be checked by the user.
IsEqual, Min, Max,Range
Accept an integer as parameter. The number must be equal (or greater or smaller) than the value.
MinDate, MaxDate
Accept a date or a constant (TOday, Now...) The date must be greater (or smaller) than the value.
MinArray, MaxArray
Accept an integer as parameter. The collection length must be greater (or smaller) than the value.
Accept a regex or a string as parameter. The value must match the regex.
The value must be an IP address
The value must contains only digits
The value must be a date with format : YYYY-MM-DD
The value must be an email
THe value must be a valid date
THe value must be an URL.
The value must be a valid number (input type number)
DateGt, DateLt
Accept a string or an array of string (dependencies) as parameter. The value must be greater (or smaller) than the dependency value. The aim is to validate one date regarding another.
The value must be a valid phone
Automatically unaccent the text while the user is typing.
The field is a read only field
- externalize validator in order to make a backend validation using the same model
- externalize accessor because it is platform dependent (web)
- extend to make it available for nativescript (mobile apps)
7 years ago