0.8.0 • Published 9 years ago
animar v0.8.0
NOTE: This is still very much a work in progress (espcially in the documentation department). If you attempt to use this in its current state, you are doing so at your own risk.
var Animar = require('animar');
// Custom easing function (Animar only defaults to a linear ease)
function quadInOut(t, b, c, d) {
t /= d / 2;
if (t < 1) { return c / 2 * t * t + b; }
return -c / 2 * (t * (t - 2) - 1) + b;
// Initialize the library (set the default easing function to the one created above)
var animar = new Animar({
defaults: {
easingFunction: quadInOut
// Get the target from the DOM
var target = document.getElementById('target');
// Construct an animation chain and start it immediately.
animar.add(target, { translateX: [0, 300], translateY: [0, 300] })
.then() // Any animation added after this point will start after the previous ones have finished
.add(target, { translateX: [300, 0], translateY: [300, 0], { delay: -30 }) // set a negative delay to make it begin sooner than the time the previous step ends.