1.1.6 • Published 2 years ago

animated-object v1.1.6

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2 years ago

Animated Object

Animate Object is a package that provide tools to create animation using custom element.


Use the package manager npm to install foobar.

npm install animated-object

Or use cdn

  • using jsdelivr
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/animated-object@1.1.5/dist/bundle.min.js" type="module"></script>
  • or unpkg
<script src="https://unpkg.com/animated-object@1.1.5/dist/bundle.min.js"></script>


Make simple animation on web consist of define animation at first and at the end, and we let navigator interpolate each value between to create animation.

<text-animate as="h1" animation="text-to-top" follow>
    Title that appear when we see it on the viewport.

So, we add animation with static method AnimatedObject.addAnimation on a Custom Element that extends on AnimatedObject.

import { AnimatedObject, TextAnimate } from "animated-object";

const TEXT_ANIMATE = "text-animate";

// it is defined by default in the package,
// but I use it on this example
    selector: TEXT_ANIMATE.toLocaleUpperCase(),
    name: "text-to-top",
    timing: "ease-out",
    duration: 400,
    keyframe: {
        from: `transform: translateY(200%);`,
        to: `transform: translateY(0%);`

customElements.define(TEXT_ANIMATE, TextAnimate);

You can use a custom element TextAnimate that we provide on this lib,
OR you can create your own custom element that extends on AnimatedObject.

AnimatedObject is an abstract class, so you should override these methods. You can check TextAnimate source code, if you want to understand how to use it.

  • in Typescript
import { AnimatedObject } from "animated-object";

class Example extends AnimatedObject {

    constructor() {

    override observe(): void {
        // for instance
        this.observer.observe(this as HTMLElement);
    // when we see the target that we observe, it call this method
    override onIntersecting(): void {}

    // when we don't see the target that we observe, it call this method
    override onUnintersecting(): void {}

    // call at the render on this custom element
    override render(): void {}


export default Example;




  • change generation of stylesheet using Animate API
  • make test
  • create documentation
  • create gif image for this README
  • refactor code


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




2 years ago


2 years ago


2 years ago