0.0.4 • Published 10 years ago
animatedgif2e131 v0.0.4
#Animated Gif to E1.31
This module lets you control lights by sending video output in the form of an animated gif. It was designed primarily for a grid of led strips.
- Use your favourite video editing software to create a video, convert it to an animated gif and then output to sAcn (E1.31)
- Supports common snaked cabling by default - supply a function to map in whatever way you like
- Includes a comprehensive test suite
Command Line
Usage: animatedgif2e131 [options] <file>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-h, --host <value> hostname or ip address
-p, --port <n> port
-f, --fps <n> frames per second
-m, --mapping <value> mapping function - snake, rows, gryCols
-i, --interactive interactive mode. Allows pausing and restarting of display from prompt
The tool can also be accessed through it's api. For Example:
var AnimatedGif2E131 = require("animatedgif2e131");
var fs = require("fs");
var options = {
"port" : 5568,
"host" : ""
var buf = fs.readFileSync("myfile.gif");
var mappingFunction = AnimatedGif2E131.mapping.cols;
var theGif = new AnimatedGif2E131(buf, options, mappingFunction);
var fps = 25;