2.5.0 • Published 11 months ago

antora-extensions-and-macros v2.5.0

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11 months ago

= Antora Extensions and Macros for Redpanda Docs :url-project: https://github.com/JakeSCahill/antora-extensions-and-macros :url-git: https://git-scm.com :url-git-dl: {url-git}/downloads :url-nodejs: https://nodejs.org :url-nodejs-releases: https://github.com/nodejs/Release#release-schedule :url-nvm-install: {url-nvm}#installation :idprefix: :idseparator: - ifdef::env-github[] :important-caption: :exclamation: :note-caption: :paperclip: endif::[] :toc: :toc-title: Contents


This library provides https://docs.antora.org/antora/latest/extend/extensions/[Antora extensions] and https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoctor.js/latest/extend/extensions/register/[Asciidoc macros] developed for Redpanda documentation.

== Prerequisites

To use this library, you must have {url-nodejs}Node.js 16 or higher installed on your machine.


node --version

If this command fails with an error, you don't have Node.js installed.

When you have Node.js installed, use the following command to install the antora-extensions-and-macros package in your project:


npm i antora-extensions-and-macros

To use the development version instead, refer to the <<development-quickstart,Development Quickstart>>.

== Extensions

This section documents the Antora extensions that are provided by this library and how to configure them.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to register each extension under the antora.extensions key in the playbook, not the asciidoc.extensions key.

=== Algolia indexer

This extension generates an Algolia index for each version of each component. The index entries are then saved to Algolia using the saveObjects() method, and also saved as JSON files in the site catalog. JSON files are published to the site root using the following template: algolia-<component>-<version>.json.

NOTE: Only pages that include an <article> element with the doc class are indexed. Pages marked as "noindex" for "robots" are skipped.

==== Environment variables

  • ALGOLIA_ADMIN_API_KEY (required)
  • ALGOLIA_APP_ID (required)
  • ALGOLIA_INDEX_NAME (required)

==== Configuration options

The extension accepts the following configuration options:

excludes (optional):: Any elements, classes, or IDs that you want to exclude from the index. index-latest-only (optional):: Whether to index all versions or just the latest version of a component.

==== Registration example

  - require: 'node_modules/antora-extensions-and-macros/extensions/algolia-indexer/index.js'
    excludes: ['.thumbs','script', '.page-versions','.feedback-section','.banner-container']
    index-latest-only: true

=== Version fetcher

This extension fetches the latest release tag and latest release commit hash from http://github.com/redpanda-data/redpanda. These values are then assigned to the full-version and latest-release-commit attributes of the latest version of the Redpanda documentation, respectively.

It also fetches the latest version of Redpanda Console and assigns it to the latest-console-version attribute in the playbook so that all components have access to it.

==== Environment variables

  • REDPANDA_GITHUB_TOKEN (optional): A Personal access token (PAT) that has repo permissions for the redpanda-data GitHub organization.

NOTE: If you don't set the environment variable, the latest versions may not be made available to your build. When the environment variable is not set, the extension sends unauthenticated requests to GitHub. Unauthenticated requests may result in hitting the API rate limit and cause GitHub to reject the request.

==== Registration example

  - 'node_modules/antora-extensions-and-macros/extensions/version-fetcher/set-latest-version.js'

=== Global attributes

This extension fetches the content of all YAML files in a GitHub directory and merges the contents with the asciidoc.attributes object in the Antora playbook. This allows you to define Asciidoc attributes in an external repository and automatically include them in your documentation.


  • The GitHub directory that contains the global attributes must be named global-attributes.
  • Only YAML files are supported. Other types of files are ignored.
  • If a key is present in both the global attributes and the playbook's asciidoc.attributes, the value in the playbook takes precedence.

==== Environment variables

  • GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTES_GITHUB_TOKEN (optional): A Personal access token (PAT) that has repo permissions for the GitHub organization defined in org.

NOTE: If you don't set the environment variable, global attributes may not be made available to your build. When the environment variable is not set, the extension sends unauthenticated requests to GitHub. Unauthenticated requests may result in hitting the API rate limit and cause GitHub to reject the request.

==== Configuration options

The extension accepts the following configuration options:

org (required):: The GitHub organization that owns the repository.

repo (required):: The name of the repository.

branch (required):: The branch in the repository where the global attributes are located.

==== Registration example

  - require: 'node_modules/antora-extensions-and-macros/extensions/add-global-attributes.js'
    org: example
    repo: test
    branch: main

=== Replace attributes in attachments

This extension replaces AsciiDoc attribute placeholders with their respective values in attachment files, such as CSS, HTML, and YAML.


  • By default, this extension processes attachments for the ROOT (redpanda) component only. This behavior is hardcoded and cannot be changed in the configuration.
  • The @ character is removed from attribute values to prevent potential issues with CSS or HTML syntax.
  • If the same attribute placeholder is used multiple times within a file, all instances will be replaced with the attribute's value.

==== Registration example

  - 'node_modules/antora-extensions-and-macros/extensions/replace-attributes-in-attachments.js'

=== Unlisted Pages

This extension identifies and logs any pages that aren't listed in the navigation (nav) file of each version of each component. It then optionally adds these unlisted pages to the end of the navigation tree under a configurable heading.

IMPORTANT: By default, this extension excludes components named 'api'. This behavior is hardcoded and cannot be changed in the configuration.

==== Configuration options

This extension accepts the following configuration options:

addToNavigation (optional):: Whether to add unlisted pages to the navigation. The default is false (unlisted pages are not added).

unlistedPagesHeading (optional):: The heading under which to list the unlisted pages in the navigation. The default is 'Unlisted Pages'.

==== Registration example

  - require: 'node_modules/antora-extensions-and-macros/extensions/unlisted-pages.js'
    addToNavigation: true
    unlistedPagesHeading: 'Additional Resources'

== Macros

This section documents the Asciidoc macros that are provided by this library and how to configure them.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to register each extension under the asciidoc.extensions key in the playbook, not the antora.extensions key.

=== config_ref

This inline macro is used to generate a reference to a configuration value in the Redpanda documentation. The macro's parameters allow for control over the generated reference's format and the type of output produced.

==== Usage

The config_ref macro is used in an AsciiDoc document as follows:



The config_ref macro takes three parameters:

configRef:: This is the configuration reference, which is also used to generate the anchor link if isLink is true.

isLink:: Whether the output should be a link. If isLink is set to true, the output will be a cross-reference (xref) to the relevant configuration value.

path:: This is the path to the document where the configuration value is defined. This parameter is used to to generate the link if isLink is true.

IMPORTANT: The path must be the name of a document at the root of the reference module.

NOTE: The config_ref macro is environment-aware. It checks if the document it is being used in is part of a Kubernetes environment by checking if the env-kubernetes attribute is set in the document's attributes. Depending on this check, it either prepends storage.tieredConfig. to the configRef or just uses the configRef as is.

For example:



==== Registration example


asciidoc: extensions:

- 'node_modules/antora-extensions-and-macros/macros/config-ref.js'

=== glossary and glossterm

The glossary module provides a way to define and reference glossary terms in your AsciiDoc documents.

This module consists of two parts: a block macro (glossary) and an inline macro (glossterm).

NOTE: This macro is a customized version of https://gitlab.com/djencks/asciidoctor-glossary[asciidoctor-glossary]. We added the ability to define terms globally in <<global-attributes, global attributes>> as well as link to external URLs.

==== Usage

To insert a glossary dlist, use the glossary block macro.



Glossary terms defined in the glossterm inline macro before the glossary macro is used appear as a definition list, sorted by term.

The glossterm inline macro is used to reference a term within the text of the document:



It takes two parameters:

term:: The term to be defined.

definition (optional):: The definition of the term. If the term is defined in the <<global-attributes, global attributes>>, you can omit the definition as it will always be replaced by the definition in the global attributes.

==== Configuration options

glossary-log-terms (optional):: Whether to log a textual representation of a definition list item to the console.

glossary-term-role (optional):: Role to assign each term. By default, glossary terms are assigned the glossary-term role, which gives them the class glossary-term in generated html.

glossary-links (optional):: Whether to generate links to glossary entries. By default, links to the glossary entries are generated from the glossary terms. To avoid this, set the attribute to false as either asciidoctor configuration or a header attribute.

glossary-page (optional):: Target page for glossary links. By default, links are generated to the same page as the glossary term. To specify the target page, set this attribute to the resource ID of a page where the glossary block macro is used.

glossary-tooltip (optional):: Whether to enable tooltips for the defined terms. Valid values are:

  • title: This uses the browser built-in title attribute to display the definition.

  • true: This inserts the definition as the value of the attribute data-glossary-tooltip.

  • data-​: This inserts the definition as the value of the supplied attribute name, which must start with data.

The last two options are intended to support js/css tooltip solutions such as tippy.js.


.Multi-page use

In Antora, a glossary is constructed for each component-version. When the glossary block macro is evaluated, only terms known as of the rendering can be included. Therefore, it is necessary that the page containing this macro in a component-version be rendered last.

It may be possible to arrange this by naming the page starting with a lot of 'z’s, such as zzzzzz-glossary.adoc.

==== Registration example


asciidoc: extensions:

- 'node_modules/antora-extensions-and-macros/macros/glossary.js'

=== helm_ref

This is an inline macro to create links to a Helm values.yaml file on ArtifactHub.

==== Usage

In an AsciiDoc document, use the helm_ref macro as follows:



Where <helmRef> is the Helm configuration value you want to reference in the values.yaml file.

For example:

Given a Helm reference value of myConfigValue, you would use the macro like this:



This will generate the following output:


For default values and documentation for configuration options, see the https://artifacthub.io/packages/helm/redpanda-data/redpanda?modal=values&path=myConfigValue[values.yaml] file.

If you do not specify a Helm reference value, the macro generates a link without specifying a path.

==== Registration example


asciidoc: extensions:

- 'node_modules/antora-extensions-and-macros/macros/helm-ref.js'

== Development Quickstart

This section provides information on how to develop this project.

=== Prerequisites

To build this project, you need the following software installed on your computer:

  • {url-git}git (command: git)
  • {url-nodejs}Node.js (commands: node, npm, and npx)

==== git

Make sure you have git installed.


git --version

If not, {url-git-dl}download and install the git package for your system.

==== Node.js

Make sure that you have Node.js installed (which also provides npm and npx).


node --version

If this command fails with an error, you don't have Node.js installed.

Now that you have git and Node.js installed, you're ready to start developing on this project.

=== Clone Project

Clone the project using git:


git clone {url-project}

Change into the project directory and stay in this directory when running all subsequent commands.

=== Install Dependencies

Use npm to install the project's dependencies inside the project. In your terminal, run the following command:


npm ci

This command installs the dependencies listed in .pathpackage-lock.json into the .pathnode_modules/ directory inside the project. This directory should not be committed to the source control repository.

=== Use Project From Source

If you want to use the project locally before it is published, you can specify the path to the extensions in the .pathlocal-antora-playbook.yml file.


asciidoc: attributes: extensions:

  • '/antora-extensions-and-macros/extensions/'


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