0.161.2-121167a • Published 2 years ago

api-gateway-service v0.161.2-121167a

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Last release
2 years ago


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  docker-compose up
  • docker
  • docker-compose
  • eslint linting
  • 100% unit test coverage
startStarts the service
start:watchStarts the service with watch and inspect
lintChecks project linting
lint:fixChecks project linting and fixes what it can
testTest runner
test:watchTest runner with watch
coverageCoverage checker
coverage:watchCoverage checker with watch
ciRun CI checks

$COVERALLS_REPO_TOKEN env var must be provided in the project settings


CSRF_ALLOW_ANY_ACCOUNT_ROUTES is semicolon separated value. Note that if you want to allow root call use '/;' not ';'. Also avoid using trailing semicolon.

Is not vulnerable if:
  1. has no referrer header
  2. req.path starts with any CSRF_ALLOW_ANY_ACCOUNT_ROUTES and req.headers.referer domain is corresponding any existing account.fqdn
  3. isWildCardOriginRequest:
  • req.path === '/graphql' and query is allowed in config.cors.allowedGQLQueries
  • config.cors.allowedRoutes includes req.path
  • req.path starts with any of config.cors.allowedWildcardRoutes

Then using originProvider:

  • if req.headers['x-elateral-fqdn'], then get account from req.headers['x-elateral-fqdn'] if exists, return its http(s)://fqdnFromAccount.com named ORIGIN
  • isWildCardOriginRequest (same as in step 2) returned true, return false named ORIGIN
  • if req.path starts with aid, then get account from aid if exists, return its http(s)://fqdnFromAccount.com named ORIGIN
  1. if req.headers.referer starts with ORIGIN
  2. if ORIGIN === false
  3. if req.headers.origin === ${config.cors.protocol}://${config.apiHost} // callingFromApiHost
Is vulnerable if:
  1. using originProvider returned Error. Possible if:
  • no account with such req.headers['x-elateral-fqdn']
  • if aid is in route and no account with such aid // originProvider can return undefined if it was unable to solve origin, in that case we can’t assume if req is CSRF or not, we get to next step. Undefined origin is used in CORS check.
  1. all above checks passed and still have no info if req is CSRF or not


CORS_ALLOWED_WILDCARD_ROUTES and CORS_ALLOWED_ROUTES are semicolon separated values. Note that if you want to allow root call use '/;' route not ';'. Also avoid using trailing semicolon.

Is not CORS vulnerable if:
  1. Using originProvider returned origin:
  • from req.headers'x-elateral-fqdn', then get account from req.headers'x-elateral-fqdn' if exists, return its http(s)://fqdnFromAccount.com named ORIGIN
  • isWildCardOriginRequest (same as in step 2) returned true, return 'false' named ORIGIN
  • from req.path starts with aid, then get account from aid if exists, return its http(s)://fqdnFromAccount.com named ORIGIN
  1. Using originProvider returned origin as false:
  • isWildCardOriginRequest (same as in step 2 of not vulnerable CSRF), return false named ORIGIN In this case we disable CORS for this request - making its Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * - wildcard
Is CORS vulnerable if:
  1. Using originProvider returned Error. Possible if:
  • no account with such req.headers['x-elateral-fqdn']
  • if aid is in route and no account found with such aid
  1. if originProvider passed all steps and conditions and was unable to solve origin and returned undefined