0.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

api-limiter v0.1.0

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9 years ago


API-Limiter provides a simple module for throttling APIs, velocity checking usage (e.g., login attempts), and blacklisting requests for resources. The module is backed by Redis for data persistence. The module relies on the pool-redis-promise package for connecting to Redis via a client pool for more efficient querying.


The Limiter is initialized via a connect() call to establish a connection to Redis, setting up the client pool. The Redis configuration follows the defaults outlined in the pool-redis-promise package here.

The connect() method returns an object that exposes a create() factory method for creating new Limiter instances, static methods for blacklisting and checking blacklisted keys (via blacklist() and isBlacklisted() respectively), and custome errors to be used in promise-based catch statements (i.e., for handling specific errors when the key is blacklisted or is being rate limited versus more generic errors like a connection timeout).




Establishes a connection to Redis via the pool-redis-promise package.


  1. poolRedisPromiseConfig (Object): Optional Configuration settings (see pool-redis-promise default config.


Object with factory method to create new limiters, static methods for blacklisting and checking if a key is blacklisted, and custom errors.

#isBlacklisted(setName, id)

var limiter = require('api-limiter').connect([poolRedisPromiseConfig]);

limiter.isBlacklisted('blacklist', 'ABC-123')
  .then(function(isBlacklisted) {
    // logic


  1. setName (String): the name of the blacklist to check, which is a set in Redis
  2. id (String): the id to check


A promise that resolves with a boolean indicating whether the given id was found in the given set

#blacklist(setName, ids)

var limiter = require('api-limiter').connect([poolRedisPromiseConfig]);

limiter.blacklist('blacklist', ['ABC-123', 'XYZ-789'])
  .then(function(count) {
    // logic


  1. setName (String): the name of the blacklist to update
  2. ids (Array < String >): the id(s) to add to the blacklist set


A promise that resolves with an integer representing the number of ids added to the blacklist (NOTE: members of a set must be unique, therefore duplicate ids will be ignored)


var limiter = require('api-limiter').connect([poolRedisPromiseConfig]);

var limiterInstance = limiter.create([consumerConfig]);

  .then(function(consumer) {
    if (!consumer.allowed) {
      Bluebird.reject(new limiter.TooManyRequestsError());
  .catch(limiter.TooManyRequestsError, function(err) {
    // handle error

A custom error which can be rejected and specifically caught (via a promise API like Bluebird's) when a consumer's key has exceed the limit over the given interval.


var limiter = require('api-limiter').connect([poolRedisPromiseConfig]);

limiter.isBlacklisted('blacklist', 'ABC-123')
  .then(function(isBlacklisted) {
    if (isBlacklisted) {
      Bluebird.reject(new limiter.BlacklistedError());
  .catch(limiter.BlacklistedError, function(err){
    // handle error

A custom error which can be rejected and specifically caught (via a promise API like Bluebird's) when a consumer's key is blacklisted for a given set.


var limiter = require('api-limiter').connect([poolRedisPromiseConfig]);

var limiterInstance = limiter.create([consumerConfig]);

Creates a new instance of an API-Limiter consumer, which can be used to increment usage of a given resource for a given key (e.g., user ID, IP Address), and return triggers that can be used to block usage of a given resource if the request threshold is met over the given time interval.


  1. consumerConfig (Object): Optional Configuration for the limiter which includes:
  • limit (Integer): the maximum number of requests for a resource that can be made over the given interval
  • interval (Integer): the time interval (in seconds) that the limited number of requests for a resource can be made, which resets once it expires regardless of whether the limit was exceeded or not
  • namespace (String): namespace for the keys, which enables multiple limiters across the same set of keys (useful if you want to limit usage for a given key in a variety of ways, for instance over 10 seconds, 10 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 day)


An instance of an API-Limiter consumer.

var limiter = require('api-limiter').connect([poolRedisPromiseConfig]);

var limiterInstance = limiter.create([consumerConfig]);

  .then(function(consumer) {
    if (!consumer.allowed) {
      Bluebird.reject(new limiter.TooManyRequestsError());

For the given id, increment the usage by 1. If this is the first request by the consumer, it sets usage to 1.


  1. id (String): the id to increment usage of over the given interval for the limiter instance


A consumer object for the given id including:

  • id (String): the identifer for the consumer
  • usage (Integer): the number of requests made by the consumer over the given interval
  • limit (Integer): the number of requests allowed to be made by a consumer of the given interval (as established by the configuration passed when creating the limiter instance)
  • interval (Integer): the time interval (in seconds) over which usage is being limited (as established by the configuration passed when creating the limiter instance)
  • allowed (Boolean): true/false as to whether usage has exceeded the limit over the time interval
var limiter = require('api-limiter').connect([poolRedisPromiseConfig]);

var limiterInstance = limiter.create([consumerConfig]);

  .then(function(consumer) {
    if (!consumer.allowed) {
      Bluebird.reject(new limiter.TooManyRequestsError());

For the given id, fetch the associated consumer object


  1. id (String): the id check usage of


A consumer object for the given id including:

  • id (String): the identifer for the consumer
  • usage (Integer): the number of requests made by the consumer over the given interval
  • limit (Integer): the number of requests allowed to be made by a consumer of the given interval (as established by the configuration passed when creating the limiter instance)
  • interval (Integer): the time interval (in seconds) over which usage is being limited (as established by the configuration passed when creating the limiter instance)
  • allowed (Boolean): true/false as to whether usage has exceeded the limit over the time interval
var limiter = require('api-limiter').connect([poolRedisPromiseConfig]);

var limiterInstance = limiter.create([consumerConfig]);

  .then(function(res) {
    // expect res === 1

For the given id, clear the associated consumer object from redis


  1. id (String): the id to remove


An integer value representing the number of key/values that have been removed


Tests can be run via npm test. Ensure that an instance of Redis is running for the integration tests.