1.0.2 • Published 1 year ago

apidoc-openapi-3 v1.0.2

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1 year ago


Apidoc and swagger are two nice projects which are focusing on documentation of APIs. This project is a middle tier which tries to bring them together in a sense that:

It uses apidoc to convert inline documentation comments into json schema and later convert it to swagger json schema.

Uses the apidoc-core library.

Why use it

Inspired by apidoc-swagger

The old repo may not be maintained, and not support new api-doc feature

and this repo add new feature

  • support convert body parameters schema for openapi 3.0.0
  • support convert header/query parameters schema for openapi 3.0.0

How It Works

By putting in line comments in the source code like this in javascript, you will get swagger.json file which can be served to swagger-ui, y-api to generate html overview of documentation.


* @api {post} /test_api desc_test_api
* @apiName test_api_name
* @apiGroup search
* @apiHeader {String} [taz] desc_taz
* @apiParam {Number} [tar] desc_tar
* @apiParam (Body) {Object[]} foo desc_foo
* @apiParam (Body) {String} foo.foz desc_foo.foz
* @apiParam (Query) {String} bar=bar desc_bar
* @apiParamExample {json} request_desc
* {{extraExample}}
* @apiSuccess {Number} [code=1] desc_override_code
* @apiSuccess {Object} data data_desc
* @apiSuccess {number} data.keyInDoc desc_add_extra_data_key_in_doc
* @apiSuccessExample {json} response_desc
* HTTP/1.1 200 OK
*  {
   "code": 200,
    "data": {
        "keyInExample": 1
* @apiSuccessExample {json} error_desc
* HTTP/1.1 300 OK
* {{fooInJs:barInJs}}

it will output json swagger.json


you should always use command apidoc-openapi-3 directly, if you use npx apidoc-openapi-3, this lib is not able to find hook, replacing mark would be failed